St. Augustine III: World Flashcards
What are the Rationes Seminales
They are “germs of things or invisible powers or potentiality, created by God in the beginning in the humid element and developing into objects of various species by their temporal unfolding”.
What are numbers to St. Augustine
They are principles of order and form, of beauty and perfection, proportion and law
Ideas are the eternal numbers, God as One, every other number is subordinate into it
What is the relation between soul and body
A soul in possession of a body doesn’t constitute two persons but one man.
Soul is a substance of its own right.
Soul is an immaterial principal, it animates the body. Cannot die because it participates in Life
What are matters
Completely formless matter is nothing, no species nor form
(I understand it in the sense that they are the “nihil” from which things are called into being)
Unformed, but with the capacity to receive form, matter is what God created in the beginning