SSS Flashcards
Another Name of Fetal Evaluation
Fetal Survaillence
Methods of Fetal Evaluation
A) Determination of fetal age.
B) Determination of fetal maturity.
C) Evaluation of fetal wellbeing.
D) Prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies.
Duration of Normal Pregnancy
Determination of GA
- Methods
- Hx
- Ex
- INVx
Determination of GA
- By Hx
Determination of GA by Hx
- Menstruation-delivery interval (Naegele’s rule)
Menstruation-delivery interval (Naegele’s rule)
- Method
Commonest Method
- EDD date of 1st day of LNMP+7 days +9 months.
Menstruation-delivery interval (Naegele’s rule)
- Characters of LMNP
a) Should be of normal characters.
b) Should be preceded by 3 consecutive normal cycles.
c) Shouldn’t be preceded by use of hormonal contraception.
Menstruation-delivery interval (Naegele’s rule)
- Causes of Falacies
a) Maternal forgetting Recent use of COCs.
b) Bleeding in early pregnancy.
c) Irregular menstruation or prepregnancy amenorrhea.
Determination of GA by Hx
- Ovulation-delivery interval
EDD = date of ovulation day - 7 days + 9 months.
Determination of GA by Hx
- Coital-delivery interval (date of single coitus)
EDD = date of single coitus (as in rape) 7 days + 9 months.
Determination of GA by Hx
- Date of embryo transfer (ET)
EDD = date of ET (in ARTs) 7 days + 9 months.
Determination of GA by Hx
- Date of quickening
18-20 weeks in primigravida & 16-18 weeks in multipara.
Determination of GA by Hx
- Date of 1st +ve pregnancy test
Most kits allow urine diagnosis of pregnancy at 4th or 5th weeks after LMP.
Determination of GA by Ex
Determination of GA by Ex
- Fundal Level
Determination of GA by Ex
- Symphysis-fundus height (gravidogram)
Determination of GA by Ex
- McDonald’s formula
Determination of GA by Ex
- Fetal weight (Johnson formula)
- Fetal weight (in gm) = [fundal height (in cm) - n] x 155.
▪ n = 12 if head isn’t engaged & 11 if head is engaged
Determination of GA by Ex
- Measurement of abdominal girth
Using certain tables.
Determination of GA by Ex
- Ballotment
Internal ballottement at 16 weeks & external ballottement at 20 weeks.
Determination of GA by Ex
- Auscultation of FHS
- By Doptone at 10 weeks
- By Pinard’s stethoscope at 20 weeks.
Determination of GA by INVx
Determination of GA by US
- Intro
- Fetal body measurements (fetal biometry) reflect GA & there are curves corresponding to development of each of these measurements throughout pregnancy (fetal growth curves).
Determination of GA by US
- Common Measurments
Determination of GA by US
- GS
At 4 weeks by TVS & 6 weeks by TAS
Determination of GA by US
At 5 weeks by TVS & 7 weeks by TAS
Determination of GA by US
- At 13 weeks
- it ↑↑from 2.4 cm at 13 weeks to 9.5 cm at term
is more accurate at 20-30 weeks
Determination of GA by US
- FL
- At 14 weeks
- it ↑↑ from 1.5 cm at 14 weeks to 7.8 cm at term
- is more accurate than BPD after 30 weeks
Determination of GA by US
- AC
- More accurate than BPD after 30 weeks
- it is the single most important measurement to
make in late pregnancy - (it reflects fetal size & weight rather than age)
Determination of GA by US
- HC
Determination of GA by US
- Using > 2 parameters in published formulas.
- True weight is 15-20% above estimated weight.
Measurements used in early pregnancy (up to 12-13 w)
GS diameter & CRL
Measurements used during 2nd & 3d trimesters
Accurate GA è uncertain LNMP can be obtained from
a) 1 CRL measurement early in 1st trimester.
b) 2 measurements () 16 & 24 weeks showing linear growth.
Accuracy of ultrasound dating of pregnancy is as follows
a) In 1st trimester: CRL is accurate èin 3-5 days from menstrual dating.
b) In 2d trimester: Measurements are èin 2 weeks from menstrual dating.
c) In 3rd trimester: Measurements are èin 3 weeks from menstrual dating.
Causes of Oversized Uterus
Causes of Causes of Undersized Uterus
Determination of Fetal Maturity
- Importance
A) Before elective TOP to determine fetal prognosis.
B) For performing & standardization of all fetal wellbeing tests.
Determination of Fetal Maturity
- Methods
Determination of Fetal Maturity by Hx & Ex
For determination of fetal age (see above).
Determination of Fetal Maturity by INVx
- US
- X-Ray
- Amniotic Fluid
Determination of Fetal Maturity by INVx
- US
Determination of Fetal Maturity by INVx
- X-Ray
Appearance of ossific centers.
Determination of Fetal Maturity by INVx
- AF
Determination of Fetal Maturity by AF