SSgt & TSgt Flashcards
questions for boarding
What are the elements of the Air Force Dress & Appearance standard?
neatness, cleanliness, safety, uniformity & military image
Why is military image important?
It institutes confidence from the public & gives civilians or the public confidence that airmen live by common standards and respond to order & discipline.
What types of tattoos/brands/body markings are prohibited in and out of uniform?
obscene, associations with gangs, extremists supremacists organizations or that advocates discrimination based on sexuality, ethnicity, race or religion.
What areas of the body are prohibited from tattoos/brands/body markings?
neck, face, head, tongue, lips, and/or scalp
What are the limits to hand tattoos?
one single band tattoo, one finger, one hand. Grandfathered airmen in compliance with prior 25% hand coverage.
How do you assure the physical standard?
promote, support & participate in the unit physical training activities & AF fitness program and implement into the teams duty schedule if mission allows for physical training.
What would you do if you observe a subordinate abusing & using excessively or irresponsibly illegal drugs, alcohol or over-the-counter medications?
Seek appropriate assistance through chain of command, Chaplin or other appropriate agency.
What do you do if you observe an airmen with signs of depression and suicide behavior?
Signs vary: alcohol abuse, stating to hurt oneself, feeling hopeless, trapped or a burden to others, withdrawal, giving stuff away, mood swings.
seek assistance immediately through the proper chain of command, chaplain or other appropriate referral agency. Remain with a potential suicidal person until relieved by the proper authority. Follow-up and monitor the situation to ensure the issue is properly addressed and resolved.
What do you do if you were made aware of discrimination, sexual assault situation in your duty section?
Continue to support the “Zero Tolerance” policy, know and understand the SAPR role (AFI 90-6001), sexual reporting requirements and wingman concept. You must maintain and establish an environment free of any behaviors that hinder other’s ability to achieve their full potential and maximize their contribution.
What are the responsibilities of a TSgt?
Technical sergeants are often their organizations’ technical experts. They continuously strive to further their development through professional development opportunities,
including distance learning and/or in-residence Air Force Enlisted PME and Senior Enlisted Joint PME. They should consider broadening opportunities through the Development Special
Duty selection process. The written abbreviation is “TSgt” and the official term of address is “Technical Sergeant”
Conflict often originates with what stimulants?
Communication: miscommunication, misinterpreted, inaccurate or incomplete.
Structural: Size, the more or larger the size of the organization the increased opportunity to distort information as it passes.
Participation: It can spark conflict and frustration even when there’s participation.
Line-Staff Distinctions: Conflict can be triggered by different goals by line & staff personnel. Line personnel are concerned about short-term goals where as staff are concerned with long term strategic goals.
Rewards: perception of unfair rewards which involve competition can cause conflict.
Resource interdependence: competing for scarce resources
What kinds of individual differences might facilitate behaviors that cause conflict?
Values: When ones values are questioned, criticized, or opposed. religion, politics, quality vs quantity of work
Perception: perception of what constitutes fairness, quality of work, or constructive techniques
Personality: high authoritarian personality might antagonize coworkers by escalating otherwise trivial differences. Can feel threaten and overreact.
When speaking of suicide prevention, what are “protective factors”?
Protective: These are possessed by the individuals strengths
- Sense of belonging
- Support from family, friends and airmen
- Problem solving skills and coping strategies
- Control over his/her own life and actions
- Willingness to seek help early
- Focus on the future
- Belief things will get better
- Lack of access to means to hurt oneself
- Beliefs which discourage suicide and support self-preservation
When speaking of suicide prevention, what are “Risk factors”? AFH-1 Chpt 18 Sec 18G para 18.42
Demographic: Gender, Age, Male, Young
Common Stressors: Problems in a relationship, Legal problems, Financial, & Workplace
Risk Factors: History of mental illness, Substance abuse, increased use of alcohol, Trauma history, Family history of suicide
Warning signs: Social isolation, Sleep difficulties, Poor work performance, Sudden discipline problems & anger
What are the two types of reporting options for sexual assault victims discussed in the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program?
Restricted and unrestricted. We are committed to ensure sexual assault victims with dignity & respect, provide support, advocacy & care.
Which reporting option may represent barriers for victims of sexual assault who desire no commander or law enforcement involvement?
Unrestricted. It activates victim services and accountability responses which are essential to eliminate the crime but may represent a barrier to access services. NON-CONFIDENTIAL
Which reporting option may impact investigations and the ability of the offender’s commander to hold the alleged offender accountable?
Restricted, however,such risks do not outweigh the overall interest in providing a restricted reporting option to sexual assault victims. CONFIDENTIAL
Who is the 108th Wing SARC?
TSgt Namir Laureano
What is the goal of the fitness program?
Motivate members to participate in a year round physical conditioning program which emphasizes to total fitness to include Aerobic conditioning, muscular fitness training, healthy eating. Increase productivity, optimize health, and decrease absenteeism while maintaining a higher level of readiness.
Who is ultimately responsible to maintain the standards of the fitness program?
It is every Airman’s responsibility to maintain the standards set forth in this AFI 365 days a year
Commanders and supervisors must incorporate fitness into the Air Force culture. How are the expected to establish such a culture?
by establishing an environment for members to maintain physical fitness and health to meet expeditionary mission requirements.
The fitness assessment program provides what to the commander?
A tool to assist in the determination of overall fitness of their military personnel.
Commander-driven physical fitness training is an integral part of mission requirements. What does the program promote?
The program promotes aerobic and muscular fitness, flexibility, and optimal body composition of each member in the unit.
What is the primary responsibility of the First Sergeant?
Provide dedicated focal point for readiness, health, morale, welfare and quality of life issues within their organizations. At home station and in expeditionary environments, their primary responsibility is to build and maintain a mission-ready force.
When it comes to subordinates and suicide prevention, what role do frontline supervisors play?
- Promote an environment which encourages Airmen to seek help when they are distressed
- Not tolerate any actions(hazing, belittling, humiliating, etc.) which prevent airmen from responsibly seeking help or professional care.
- Develop a relationship of trust with his or her unit
- Learn signs of distress
- Develop effective ways to discuss issues with subordinates
- Know where to refer Airmen should additional resources be needed
- Shall recognize and effectively intervene with personnel suffering from emotional distress secondary to a variety of life problems
Who does the First Sergeant derive their authority from, and what do they advise them on?
First Sergeants derive their authority from the unit commander and advise commanders, command chiefs, superintendents, and other Airmen on morale, discipline, mentoring, well-being, recognition, and the professional development of airmen.
The military profession is sharply distinguished from other professions by what is termed the “Unlimited Liability Clause.”
Upon entering the Air Force, Airmen accept a sacred trust from the American people. They swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They take this obligation freely without any reservations and thereby commit their lives in defense of America and its citizens.
In addition to welfare of unit personnel who else must First Sergeants ensure support agencies are responsive to?
They ensure support agencies are responsive to Airmen and their family’s needs.
The core values are at the heart and soul of the military profession. What they and what do they mean to you?
Integrity first: it’s the foundation of all we do and how we do it
Service before self: putting service & country before self, it’s putting the Profession of Arms in practice as an Airmen
Excellence in all we do is fueled by Service & Integrity. If we value those we want to excel in all that we do.
When considering subordinates, what do leaders risk losing if they become too consumed with their own personal careers?
The are seen as a leader who is unwilling to set aside their own personal goals for the unit and the Air Force. It’s selfish.
What is the payoff for placing service before self?
Satisfaction, Pride, Sense of accomplishment
What is the Air Force Mission
Fly, Fight & Win
What is the Commanders Priorites
Mission, Manning & Morale
What is the Profession of Arms?
A vocation comprised of experts in the design,
generation, support and application of global vigilance, global reach and global power serving under civilian authority, entrusted to defend the Constitution and accountable to the American people.
What tier/rank do you currently operate at
I’m in the NCO tier as a Staff Sargeant
What are you currently doing to prepare for the next tier? How do you already operate at the next level?
Im preparing for the next level with increased education and on the job training. Utilizing my past experience and taking initiative to improve upon my leadership & professional skills. Learning to communicate through active listening and utilizing my words effectively to provide guidance and direction to my peers to meet our mission as a team. Learning who they are and what motivates them to be able to work together as a team by tapping into our individual resources.
According to AF Handbook 1, enlisted duty titles are assigned based on what?
Duty titles are based on the scope of responsibilities and duties being performed
Please describe your duty title and your role in your assigned unit
Due to the operational tempo there are many times I take on the role of NCOIC, but it all depends on the highest ranking NCO who is on duty at the time.
What does diversity of experience and background allow?
It allows diverse ways of perceiving and resolving problems. Acknowledging and appreciating differences and establising a common ground as individuals
Can you give an example of how your unit promotes Diversity of experience and Background?
They have acknowledge and appreciated the different personal and professional backgrounds and leveraged it to meet the mission, which has allowed the team to work cohesively on multiple individual or group taskers.
What are three key elements that are important to strong team building?
Trust, communication and cooperation
What are the stages of team building?
Forming, Storming, Norming, & performing.
Forming is the initial stages, the first phase in determining how an individual fits into the team.
Storming is the stage where team members begining to understand one another due to the difficulty they encounter while working together as they have formed different opinions of how the task should be handled.
Norming is the begining stages of decreased conflicts and increase levels of cohesion and commitment as a team
Performing is the stage where the team develops proficiency in achieving its goals and becomes more flexible. Allowing for the team to work together in diagnosing and solving problems and implement changes.
Articulate the 3 factors of sources of conflict
Communication, Structural, and Personal Behavior
Communication: miscommunication, misinterpretation, lack of communication could be the problem
Structural: The size of the organiztion can play a role in the cause of conflict due to possible lack of resources or acknowledgement of members. people need to know they are heard, valued and accepted.
Personal Behavior: Conflict can arise for individual differences. Differences can be seen as a threat, weakness, or stressors. Align personal needs and values with the AF mission will reduce conflict and individuals may be more willing to change, set aside self interests, and listen to the ideas of others
Can you give a situation where you had to deal with a communication conflict in the workplace?
Yes, when I was left as a NCOIC and a soldier did not understand that I was giving him direction and inquiring about status on taskers. He could not understand why I was asking. He did not understand that when our SNCOIC was not on duty I was the NCOIC. There was clearly a lack of communication and misunderstanding on the tier/rank structure and duty title/role.
What is the source of conflict in the situation with the two airmen and one spreading rumors because he was passed on for promotion
Communication and Personal Behavior
Can you name a few techniques that can be used to minimize the impact that workplace conflict can have on individuals and organization?
Degree of cooperation and assertiveness are levels defined in the techniques.
Competing - Style used to overwhelm an opponent with formal authority, threats, or the use of power
Collaborating - Used to satisfy the concerns of both sides through honest discussion. Creative approachs to reduce conflict. Trust and openess is required from all participants. win win
Accommodating - giving in to another person wishes
Compromising - requires willingness from both parties to change, adjust, or give something up. Behavior seeks to partially satisfy both parties to resolve conflict
Consider the who, the situation, and stakes
Give an example where you had to utiize conflict management techniques.
When I stepped in as a NCOIC on an evening shift and I had to utilize competing and collaborating style with a Junior NCO to stay focused on the mission.
What are the three core elements of full range leadership development?
The leader, follower, and situation.
Develop relationships with leadership, peers, and subordinates
Who is responsible for suicide awareness and prevention in the military?
Every airmen of every rank. best person to identify there is a problem are the person who directly interacts with the member on a daily basis.
Explain the ACE model and what is so important for you to know as a supervisor?
Ask, Care and Escort
The model provides a quick and easy way to remember how to address, approach, and provide help to an airmen who may be showing signs of suicide. It’s important for you as a supervisor to see the warning signs early and reach out to the airmen directly.
Regarding integrated resilience, what are your responsibilities to the work center environment and to those you supervise?
Ensure airmen participate in relience and violience prevention training and are involved in programs and activities that support resilience and violence prevention
What would you do if you were met with negative office environment that promoted hazing?
Ensure that the office was aware that negative actions is not tolerated and promote a culture of prosocial, healthy and adaptive behaviors that encourages early help seeking or professional care. Reinforce the AF core values and conduct
Where can you get help for someone in crisis?
Chaplain, First Shirt, mental health professional at the wing
What are your responsibility in accordance with AFI 36-2903 Dress and appearance
Be knowledgable of uniform and personal grooming and appearance standards. Set and be the example. We can perform random uniform inspections to ensure the airman is in complaince
Barriers to reporting sexual assault
lack of confidentiality and privacy
stigma and shame based on the crime
fear of appearing weak or less competent
fear of disciplinary action due to collateral misconduct
What responsibilities must airmen uphold when wearing the AF uniform
Keeping our uniforms clean and servicable. Knowing authorized uniform combinations and correct plaement of ribbons, insignia, badges and other uniform items
In addition to Junio enlised responsiblities detal some NCO specifi responsibilities
Lead and develop subordinates and exercise effective followership in mission accompliment.
Increase knowledge and understanding of and mentor junior enlisted airmen on the institutional and occupational competencies required to accomplish the mission
increase personal and subordinate resilience by understanding and mastering the domain of Comprehensive Airman Fitness (social, mental, physical & spiritual)
Actively lead and supervise subordinates, accepting responsibility for assuming the role of leader if senior in grade. Staying professionally engaged with subordinates on a daily basis on and off duty.
mentor, guide, train, instruct and develop subordinates. Encourage retraining as needed to balance the force and meet mission requirements. Mentoring is a critical component of leadership.
Provide feedback and sounseling on performance, career opportunities, promotions, benefits,a and entitlements. Via ACA Airmen Comprehension Assessment