Ssci 316 Midterm #1 Flashcards
From Arabic ‘ras’ = ‘head’ or ‘beginning’ and Spanish raza = animal
fear of the outsider
father figure, everyone else is beneath and child-like
folk taxonomy
popular way of naming or classifying things, of categorizing perceived differences. (us/them)
the process of naming oneself and saying they are beneath us or subhuman not worth the same
the belief that physical characteristics are inevitably associated with mental or emotional capacities–continues to be a major social problem. 2) a system of advantages based on race.
the belief that ones own people or ways are better than all others.
a perceived judgement or opinion based on limited information. (not directly related to racism but part of it)
Race as a biological category
est. when people are young, we are often taught to categorize people along color and ethnic lines, even descriptively
race as a social construction
the process of human interaction and association
race as an ethnic group
if members of an ethnic group are united by a common culture, they share the same language, religion, tools, music, habits, and many other social aspects. “cultural racism”
race as a social class or prestige rank
in brazil, the higher one’s social class and wealth, they are more likely to be described as white, even if they are darker.
race as a “racial formation” of society’s insititutions
based on racial formation theory; over time, society’s powerful institutions define what race is and who is to be classified with in what racial category.
race as self defined
defined simply by what an individual calls him or herself.
conglomerate descriptiveterm
collective whole; Homo Sapiens
typographical device
unchangeable characteristics of specific groups. led to broca determining whether brain and skull size could determine intelligenceitelligence by gender and race.
argue for a single origin of the human species, all humans descended form one original “adam and eve”
argued for multiple origins of human on different continents
Anders Behring Brievik
hated muslims, killed 77 people, declared himself a modern-day Knight Templar, white supremacist. cosmetic surgery to look more ‘aryan’
Racial holy war
RoHoWa, pitting whites of “pure” aryan stock against immigrants and non-whites.
the great chain of being
well established point of view, classified, near the top were white humans, bottom were animals
phenotypical features
curly hair, disfigured nose and lips, ugly
rooted distortions of the truth, selective memory, imperfect history or omissions, assumptions based of limited information, leads to prejudices thinking.
the belief that one’s own people or life-ways are better than all others
made visible by performative linguistic ideology, the ideas that words can perform actions. ‘cut and ‘wound’ and are aspects of racism
folk theory
assumes racism only exists amongst marginal and uneducated people. “folk model” everyday terms used by all societies to help understand their world.