Patient with ALS. Drug and MOA?
Riluzole- works on Na+ channels of damaged neurons -> decr. glutamate release.
Tetrabenzene. What are you trying to treat?
Huntington’s– chorea. VMAT2 inhibitor -> decreased DA
Woman taking opiod for pain. Which effect is LEAST likely to go away?
Constipation. (and miosis)
What drug results as a breakdown product of morphine?
What opioid will interact with MAO-I?
Methadone –> serotonin syndrome
What opioid can be used in pain associated with MI?
How do all the inhalation anesthetics + thiopentanal + propofol work?
Enhance action of GABA by acting at GABA-A
Why is halothane C/I in pheochromocytoma
Halothane increases heart’s sensitivity to catecholamines
Patient had ischemic stroke, was discharged. What meds the person must take for life?
ACE + Diuretic (thiazides)
blah blah classes and subclasses abuse liability
Do a full comprehensive workup
How to manage confused patient?
Monitor with supportive care and WAIT
Patient with delirium but no underlying cause. Tx?
Supportive, fluids, wait
Old man, forgetting things over the past year. Worse over last 3 months. Forgot his route home. CT shows DIFFUSE infarcts around periventricular area.
Biswanger’s Disease (subcortical leukoaraiosis)
What is the most important predictive factor of the prognosis of pheochromocytoma?
Homovanillic/vanillylmandelic acid ratio
Treatment of stroke patient where TPA is CI?
59 year old male with worsening executive functions and problems with memory.
Migraine vs. berry aneurysm
Migraine: gradual onset. throbbing. photophobia. aggravated by movement
Man with massive headache while sleeping around the same time at night at the same time each month. Rinorrhea.
Cluster headache
Non-fluctuating bi-frontal headache
muscle tension
Generally healthy Patient with recent sinus infection treated with abx that improved it a little bit. 1 week later got increased ICP, + ring enlanced lesion. Most likely causative agent?
MCC assoc with sinusitis, otitis media, or dental stuff:
peptostreptococcus, bacterioides, strep, haemophilus
Sad, low effort at work, losing weight, low sex drive for a couple months
Major depressive disorder
Mania only
bipolar 1
High energy student, successful
Non-pharm treatment of bipolar
IPSRT (used for BIPOLAR ONLY). maintain regular schedule.
CSF profile of bacteria
neutrophils, low glucose, high protein
Immunocompromised. Pigeons. India Ink.
Cryptococcus neoformans
MOA of Benzos
Increase frequency of GABA Cl- channels opening
What anti-depressant can be used in combo with other SSRIs to help improve sexual AE.
Second generation first line pharmacotherapy of generalized seizures
Effect of carbmazapine on P450s.
Inducer– will induce its own metabolism
What part of the brain is involved in ADD?
Frontal lobe – decr DA & NE
Mild proximal weakness and ptosis in young woman
Myasthenia Gravis