SQL hw2a - Subqueries Flashcards
Using the daily stock data from 2010, return a list of the unique trading days in 2010.
FROM stocks.s2010
Return the symbol, date, and the dollar volume traded for the highest dollar volume traded stocks in 2010 on the NYSE.
SELECT symb, retdate, (cls*vol) as dollarVolume FROM stocks.s2010 WHERE exch = 'NYSE' ORDER BY dollarVolume DESC LIMIT 1 ;
Using the 2010 data, return the stock (symbol only) with the largest volume on Jan 11th that also appears on Dec 1st.
SELECT symb FROM stocks.s2010 WHERE symb IN (SELECT DISTINCT symb FROM stocks.s2010 WHERE retdate = '2010-12-01') AND retdate = '2010-01-11' ORDER BY vol DESC LIMIT 1 ;
Using the 2010 data, return the stock symbol and a column called “HFlag” which is equal to 1 if the high - low is greater than 1 and zero otherwise. Only return those companies who stock symbol begins or ends with “A”.
SELECT symb, CASE WHEN (high - low) > 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS HFlag FROM stocks.s2010 WHERE symb LIKE 'A%' ;
Write a query which returns (a) the date, (b) closing price, (c) a flag (‘gt30’) which is equal to 1 when the closing price is greater than $30.00 and 0 otherwise for ‘AAPL’ in 2010.
SELECT retdate, cls, CASE WHEN cls > 30 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS gt30 FROM stocks.s2010 WHERE symb = 'AAPL' ;
Return the list of symbols that exist in 2011, but not 2010.
SELECT DISTINCT symb FROM stocks.s2011 WHERE symb NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT symb FROM stocks.s2010) ;
– has to be DISTINCT because it is comparing two groups! It can’t do multiple permutations of comparisons at once…it needs unique symb values.
Using the fnd data, return company name, year, and the column called “Hflag” which is equal to 1 if the company has a net income larger than $1 Billion dollars and 0 otherwise. Only include those companies whose name begins with “B”
SELECT conm, fyear, CASE WHEN netinc > 1000 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS HFlag FROM stocks.fnd WHERE conm LIKE 'B%' ;
– note that netinc is in units of millions
Using the fnd data, which ticker symbols have a net income to employee ratio greater than $1000 in fiscal year 2010 and also have a net income between 20 and 30 million dollars in 2011?
SELECT tic FROM stocks.fnd WHERE emp > 0 AND (netinc/emp)*1000 > 1000 AND fyear = 2010 AND tic in (SELECT tic FROM stocks.fnd WHERE fyear = 2011 AND (netinc BETWEEN 20 AND 30)) ;
Using the fnd data, which companies (company name) in fiscal year 2010 had a profit margin greater than 20%, turnover more than 2 and more than 10,000 employees?
SELECT conm FROM stocks.fnd WHERE fyear = 2010 AND rev > 0 AND invt > 0 AND ((netinc/rev)*100) > 20 AND (rev/invt) > 2 AND emp > 10 ;
The lowest five symbols by volume from January 11th, 2010 that have a volume between 1 million and 10 million on December 1st, 2011. In other words, of those stocks which had between 1 and 10 million shares traded on December 1st, 2011, which five have the lowest volume traded on January 11th, 2010.
SELECT symb FROM stocks.s2010 WHERE retdate = '2010-11-01' AND symb IN (SELECT DISTINCT symb FROM stocks.s2011 WHERE retdate = '2011-12-01' AND vol > 1000000 AND vol < 10000000) ORDER BY vol ASC LIMIT 5 ;
Of the stocks (symbols) that existed in 2011, but not in 2010, which had the highest closing price in 2011?
SELECT symb FROM stocks.s2011 WHERE symb NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT symb FROM stocks.s2010) AND cls IS NOT NULL ORDER BY cls DESC LIMIT 1 ;
Which symbols were in the top 500 of dollar volume on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th days of February 2011?
(The stock needs to be in the top 500 for all days)
SELECT symb FROM stocks.s2011 WHERE symb IN (SELECT symb FROM stocks.s2011 WHERE retdate = '2011-02-02' AND vol IS NOT NULL AND CLS IS NOT NULL ORDER BY (vol*cls) DESC LIMIT 500) AND symb IN (SELECT symb FROM stocks.s2011 WHERE retdate = '2011-02-03' AND vol IS NOT NULL AND CLS IS NOT NULL ORDER BY (vol*cls) DESC LIMIT 500) AND symb IN (SELECT symb FROM stocks.s2011 WHERE retdate = '2011-02-04' AND vol IS NOT NULL AND CLS IS NOT NULL ORDER BY (vol*cls) DESC LIMIT 500) ;
Of the symbols that had volume between 100,000 and 1,000,000 on the 2nd and 3rd of February 2011, which had volume greater than 5,000,000 on the 4th of February?
SELECT symb FROM stocks.s2011 WHERE retdate = '2011-02-04' AND vol > 5000000 AND symb IN (SELECT symb FROM stocks.s2011 WHERE retdate = '2011-02-02' AND vol BETWEEN 10^5 and 10^6) AND symb IN (SELECT symb FROM stocks.s2011 WHERE retdate = '2011-02-03' AND vol BETWEEN 10^5 and 10^6)
Write a query to generate the following dataset:
- company name, ticker symbol, revenue for all the companies whose name begin with “A” or “a”
- a column, revflag which is 1 if the revenue is greater than $25,000,000 and 0 otherwise
SELECT conm, tic, rev, CASE WHEN (rev > 25) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS revflag FROM stocks.fnd WHERE conm iLIKE 'a%; ;
– notice iLIKE for case-insensitivity
Write a query to generate the following dataset:
- company name, ticker symbol, revenue, inventory, and employee information from fiscal year 2010
- A column called turnflag which is 1 for companies with turnover greater than 2, 0 otherwise
- For a company to be included it must have revenue, inventory, and employee all greater than zero for both 2010 and 2011
SELECT conm, tic, rev, invt, emp, CASE WHEN ((inv > 0) AND (rev/inv > 2)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS turnflag FROM stocks.fnd WHERE fyear = 2010 AND rev > 0 AND invt > 0 AND emp > 0 AND conm IN ( SELECT DISTINCT conm FROM stocks.fnd WHERE fyear = 2011 AND rev > 0 AND invt > 0 AND emp > 0) ;