SQL Basics Flashcards
Covering SQL basics: - Tables - Relationships - Joins - Subqueries - Regular expressions - + more!
Define a database
- A database is a collection of data/information, stored in a format that can be accessed in various ways
Define DBMS
- A Database Management System, a software application that uses instructions to query or modify data
Define Data
- Data is a collection of facts and figures, or information in raw form
What do the commands SELECT, FROM & WHERE do?
- SELECT is used to identify the columns you wish to return
- FROM is used to identify the table you wish to query
- WHERE is used to filter the requirements to specific conditions
Why do people use databases over files as a storage method?
Why files are not ideal:
- It’s a complex process to retrieve data
- Size becomes an issue with large data sets
- Organising data becomes difficult
- Data redundancy (repetition)
- GDPR requests can come difficult to adhere to
- Loss of data when multiple users access
When might you use files over a database?
- Storing less important data
- For on-device/offline access
- When there is frequent incoming data
What happens on the backend when a user is trying to engage with a database?
- The user interacts with the application, the application interacts with the DBMS, the DBMS interacts with the operating system
What are the functions of a DBMS?
The functions of a Database Management System are:
- Data Management, store retrieve and modify data
- Security, access to authorised users only
- Concurrency, simultaneous access for multiple users
- Utilities, backing up, logging, data import & export
- Transactions, modifying a data base should be successful or must not happen at all
- Integrity, maintains data accuracy
What different types of databases are there?
- Hierarchical database, this is the tree like data base. Kind of looks like a flow chart
- Network/Graph database, commonly used for things like social media. Any tables can be linked and interacting with any other tables, not so much of a structure. neo4j is the main example of this database
- NoSQL, non tabular and represented using key value pairs. MongoDB is the main example of this database
- Relational database, tabular structure with a very clear relationship between tables. Examples of this are MySQL, PostgresSQL, Oracle and MS Access
When talking about relational databases, what are the correct terms for rows, columns, the number of rows and the number of columns?
- Rows = Records/Tuples
- Columns = Attributes/Fields
- Number of rows = Degree of relation
- Number of Columns = Cardinality of the relation
What is DBMS integrity ?
- DBMS integrity maintains data integrity through constraints, which basically restricts the data that can be entered or modified in a database
- The 3 types of integrity are entity, domain and referential integrity
What is Entity, Domain and Referential integrity?
- Entity integrity is that each table should have a column or a set of columns which can be used to identify a record (Primary Keys)
- Domain integrity is that all attributes of a table must have a defined domain, such as a finite number of values which have to be used, or to check age is an integer as it should be. Data types & check constraint)
- Referential integrity is that every value of a column in a table must exist in a value of another column in a different table (Foreign Keys)
What is a database key & why do we need them ?
- A DBMS key is an attribute or set of attributes which helps us uniquely identify a record
We need them to:
- To establish relationships in tables
- To uniquely identify a record
- To enforce data integrity and constraints
What are the 8 types of database keys ?
- Super Key - a combination of all of the unique attributes, in all possible combinations
- Candidate Key - all of the unique attributes in singular form (not combined)
- Primary Key - a part of the candidate key that is selected to become a primary key. It must be unique, not null and ideally is small and numerical. Used to identify records.
- Alternate Key - the candidate keys that didn’t become primary keys
- Foreign Key - a primary key in one table that behaves as a foreign key for relationships in another table
- Composite Key - a combination of keys that are unique attributes
- Compound Key - if one of the keys from a composite key is a foreign key, it becomes a compound key
- Surrogate Key - when there are no unique attributes, a surrogate key is added to be a unique identifier
What is an E-R diagram?
- An E-R diagram is used to explain the structure of the database diagrammatically, to show how the tables are related
- E-R = Entity Relations