SQE2 Disputes Resoution Flashcards
Why might a party be punished in relation to ADR and what might the punishment be?
- Failing to respond to request for ADR
- should provide reasons why it is no appropriate - Court has discretion to:
- penalise them in respect to legal costs they can recover/making them liable for other sides legal costs
What are the limitation periods?
- Contract (6 years)
- after breach regardless of knowing causation of damage - Tort (6 years)
- date of knowledge of all facts of essential elements (meaning identified defendant’s act/omission may have caused/contributed to loss) - Personally Injury (3 years)
- date of knowledge that injury was significant, attributable (in part) to tort of identified defendant - Fatal Accidents (3 years)
- Claimant Dies within 3 years
- 3 years from death; OR
- 3 years of date of knowledge of PR
- statute barred if they die after 3 years - Defamation (1 year)
- Unfair Dismissal (3 months)
How does a make good clause and limitation on contractual liability effect limitation period?
Make good clause
- only binding to make good defect
- does not stop 6 year limitation period from taking effect
Limitation of liability clause
- Any shortening of the limitation period in contract will be subject to reasonableness test under Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
When does limitation period start running for latent defects?
Time limit is:
- 6 years from the date of accrual of cause of action
- 3 years from earliest date on which potential claimant knew or reasonably ought to have known, material facts necessary to bring action alleging negligence
- Longstop of 15 years after act/omission
When does limitation period start running for fraud, concealment and mistake?
- day after when claimant discovers the fraud or concealment, or could have done so with reasonable diligence
- Will not run whilst a relevant fact has been deliberately concealed by the defendant
- day after when claimant discovers the mistake, or could have done so with reasonable diligence
When does limitation period begin for minors and those lacking capacity
- on 18th birthday
- when they receive certification that claimant is of sound mind
What are thepractice directions (step by step) and when are they used
Used when no specific protocol applies
1. claimant to write to defendant with concise details of claim
2. defendant to respond if claim is accepted or reasons why not within reasonable time (14 days in straightforward case / 3 months in complex case)
3. parties to disclose key documents relevant to issues in dispute.
4. Parties should be aware that court must give permission before they can rely on expert evidence and may limit fees recoverable
5. Parties to consider using single joint expert (if needed at all)
6. Parties to consider ADR (may be required to give evidence of this if proceeding are issued)
Consequences for not complying with pre-action proposals / what might the court consider when punishing?
Court likely only concerned with real breaches not smaller or technical ones.
- Will consider effect of breach when giving imposing punishment
- may relieve the parties of obligations to comply with requirements
Consequences may include:
- Sanctions (breaching party to pay other sides costs)
- Stay of proceedings to allow directions/protocol to be followed
When could issue preceding without compliance with protocols?
Where end of limitation period is close
Where court order is required to protect or preserve evidence or assets
Where there is concern that D may seek to issue proceedings in another country
What must be met for application for pre-action disclosure?
- respondent is likely to be a party to proceedings;
- applicant is likely to be party to proceedings;
- documents, or classes of documents, requested would be disclosed under standard disclosure; and
- disclosure now would fairly assist in disposing of the claim without the need to issue proceedings and save costs
If non-party
- if it will support the claim, or adversely affect the opponent’s case; and
is necessary to dispose of the matter fairly or to save costs
What must be met for application for pre-action inspection of property?
Applicant must show that property in question:
- is, or may become, the subject matter of the proceedings
- is relevant to the issues that will arise in relations to those proceedings
Can costs be recovered for pre-action protocol period?
Generally not
- if proceedings were issued but stayed to allow parties to comply with protocol
- an award to recover some wasted costs is more likely
- still only proportionate costs are likely
What claims does Queens Bench Division deal with? What are the special courts in it?
- Breach of contract
- Negligence
- Personal Injury
- Land Possession
- Non-Payment of Debts
Special Courts
Business and Property Courts including:
- Technology and Construction Courts
- Commercial Courts
- Construction Courts
What claims does chancery division deal with?
- Equity and trusts
- Tax
- Land
- Business Disputes
- Contentious Probate
- Bankruptcy
- Professional Negligence
Different forms of ADR
- Negotiation
- most flexible
- without prejudice
- can be done after exchange of all evidence - Arbitration
- no strict rules of evidence
- 3rd party make legally binding decision - Mediation
- informal process where neutral 3rd party assists in negotiation between parties
- no strict rules of evidence
- only binding if parties agree and sign
- costs shared
What is included on a claim form?
- names and addresses of parties
- details of claim
- remedy sought
- value
- preferred court of hearing
- court fees and costs
- statement of truth
- Claimants address for service
- Particulars of claim (can be sent separately within 14 days following service of claim form)
How should names be given on claim form (including for Partnerships and companies)?
- Full unabbreviated name
- Also any name they carry on business under
- Full name of partnership
- Full name of every partner
- Registered name of LLP or Company
- Including appropriate suffix (LLP, LTD, PLC)
Process (time-limits) for serving and responding to claims?
- Claim Form
- within 4 months in jurisdiction
- within 6 months outside (REQUIRES PERMISSION if outside Scotland or N. Ireland) - Particulars (if separate)
- within 14 days following service of claim form
- Still within 4/6 months - Response within 14 days of deemed date of service of Particulars
- consider if served with claim form or separately
What is a Part 8 Claim? What should be stated on the claim form?
Used if claim does not involve a substantial Used dispute of fact
Claim form must state
- That part 8 applies;
- The question that the claimant want the court to decide or remedy sought and the legal basis for claim to that remedy;
- Details of claim being made, and
- Capacity of the representative if the claim is being made in a representative capacity.
Also include
- Witness evidence (plus statement of truth)
- Particulars
How to respond to Part 8 claim and what if failure to respond?
- File their witness evidence with acknowledgement of service
(claim then treated as if fast track)
Failing to respond
- Cannot take part in hearing unless court gives them permission
What documents should be included in service of claim form to defendant?
- Claim form
- Particulars of claim (if provided)
- Medical report (if appropriate)
- Schedule of past and future losses
- Notice of funding
- Certificate of suitability for litigation friend (if appropriate)
- Response pack
How must you serve if defendant has a nominated solicitor?
If D has nominate solicitor:
- Must serve on nominee (unless contract provides otherwise); or
- Service to D’s company’s registered office
How should you complete personal service to an individual, a company and a partnership?
- leaving with individual
- Leaving with person holding senior position within company (C-Suite, Director , MD)
- Leaving with partner or
- With person who has control or management of partnership business at principle place of business
- Although ideally bring claim and serve all partners
When can you serve by 1. fax, 2. email, 3. DX
- Fax
- written permission
- given fax number or on writing paper
- fax number is in jurisdiction - Email
- express permission
- given email address - DX
- address for service has DX number and it is on writing paper
- have NOT indicated this is not allowed
What is deemed date of service of different form/documents
- Claim Form
- Always on second business day after action - Otherwise (Particulars, Part 36, Part 20 etc.)
- DX/Post: second day after (if business day, otherwise next business day after that)
- Everything else: same day if before 4:30, otherwise next business day
Service on defendant you can’t find?
1st: must make reasonable enquiries as to whereabouts
2nd: if not found then last known address
3rd: maybe apply for alternative service
What can client do if there are issues with service?
- Apply for extension
- only if still within original time limit - Apply for alternative service
- even after deadline but must show good reason
- court may allow service on alternative place, by alternative method or deem actions so far to be enough
What must solicitor do after service
File certificate of service at court in 21 days
What to do if you think service was not valid?
- Indicate on acknowledgement of service
- Make application in 14 days
What should defendant do if they disagree with service and they are outside jurisdiciton?
- Can apply to set aside order give permission of service
- Can apply to set aside service (14 days)
- Challenge jurisdiction
- indicate on acknowledgement
- make application in 14 days
- DO NOT file defence
Where to send claim to
County court
- Civil National Business Centre
High Court Claims
- Royal court of Justice or District Registry
- if don’t indicate District Registry then goes to RCOJ
- should indicate which division
What happens it a defendant does not respond to claim in time?
- If defendant does not respond in 14 days of deemed date of service, claimant can obtain judgement
How can defendant extend the time limit to file a defence
- gain additional 14 days when they acknowledge claim
- Parties can agree to extend for an additional 28 days (total of 56) - defendant must inform court of this
- additional extensions will require an application to the court
What must a defence generally include?
- response to each paragraph
- Address
- statement of truth
- Other defence (eg. limitation)
In what ways must defendant respond to each paragraph of Particulars of Claim? What are the consequences of each?
- Admission
- it is then no longer in dispute so C does not have to prove it
- If D fails to respond to a paragraph it is deemed to be admitted - Denial
- D must state reason for denial
- Must set out alternative version of events
- Claimant must then prove this - Non-Admission
- States that they do not admit or deny if fact is outside the defendants knowledge
- Often applies to losses suffered by claimant
- Must be proven by claimant
What defences can be made by defendant?
- Set-Off
- claimant owes you money
- normall for debt claims - Limitation
- state when limitation period ended and why
When should claimant respond to defence?
Does not need to
- if it helps narrow the issues in dispute (something raised that was not in particulars)
- Not to rectify mistake or omission
What if defendant alleges losses out of same set of circumstances
Counterclaim (Part 20 claim)
- NOT defence
- for losses arising from same set of circumstances
- MUST be brought in same proceedings
What to do if something is unclear for other parties Statement of Case
Request of Information
- Making It
- make formal request to other party
- apply to court if no adequate response in reasonable time - Objecting to Request
- must give grounds
- other party can apply to court and hearing may be held
What are grounds for objecting to a request for information?
- Request is unnecessary, irrelevant or improper (eg have been admitted, are not in issue etc.)
- Responding party is unable to provide information or clarification
- Party requesting information gave insufficient time to reply
- Expense of complying with request would be disproportionate to claim or contrary to overriding objective
- Responding party is protected from answering by existing privilege
How can a statement of case be amended?
Before Service
- Can be amended without permission of court
After Service
- Only with written consent of all other parties or permission of court
- Party files application notice with a copy of amendment
- If parties consent court decides on application without hearing
- If parties don’t consent hearing will be held
Can a new party be added/substituted if the limitation period has expired?
Only if:
- relevant limitation period was current when proceedings were started; and
- the addition or substitution is necessary
Court must be satisfied that:
- substitution because of wrong party being mistakenly named in claim form
- claim cannot properly be carried on by or against original party unless new party is added or substituted; or
- original party has died or had a bankruptcy order and their liability has passed to new party
Types of Part 20 Claims
- against claimant for losses arising out of same set of circumstances
Claim against another ‘blameworthy’ person
- against someone who is not a party but they blame for loss
Claim seeking contribution or indemnity
- against another party (generally other defendant)
Counterclaim against another third party
- for own losses arising out of same facts
- ie. Empoyer who is vicariously liable
When is court permission required for Part 20 claim?
- no permission need if filed with defence
Claim against another ‘blameworthy’ person
- no permission need if filed with defence
Claim seeking contribution or indemnity
- no permission need if filed with defence
- if other party added later in claim then no permission if served within 28 days of third party filing defence
Counterclaim against another third party
- permission required always
When must Part 20 Claim be served? On whom?
No Permission requried
- on all parties (except if contribution/indemnity claim)
- when defence is filed
Permission Required
- within 14 days of issue
- on person against it is made
- court likely to give more directions
When How must Part 20 claim be responded to?
Within 14 days of deemed date of service
Already Party to Claim
- defence
Not Party
- acknowledgement / defence
What is the effect of failing to respond to part 20 claim?
Can obtain judgement
- for claim against blame worthy 3rd party
- failure means they are deemed to acknowledge guilt and bound by judgement
When can you withdraw an admission?
- Made in protocol period
- claim up to £25k is binding
- can withdraw before proceedings with consent of other party
- after proceedings ONLY with permission of court - Admission made in Particulars
- must apply to court to change or withdraw
- court to consider factors
What factors will court consider in application to withdraw admission?
- grounds for seeking to withdraw the admission;
- whether there is new evidence that was not available when the admission was made;
- the conduct of the parties;
- any prejudice to any person if the admission is withdrawn or not permitted to be withdrawn;
- what stage the proceedings have reached; in particular, whether a date or period has been fixed for the trial;
- the prospects of success of the claim or of the part of it to which the admission relates; and
- the interests of the administration of justice.
What is PI reaction protocol and when does it apply?
Does NOT apply to clinical negligence
1. Letter of Claim to D
- D to respond in 21 days
- can get 3 months to investigate before admitting/denying - disclose lists to be provided in letter of claim
- instructing expert
- C to send list to D of proposed joint experts
- D can reject in 14 days
- then can instruct own
What happens if defendant doesn’t respond in time in PI protocol?
21 days to respond
If not
- C can start proceedings
PI protocol time lits for accidents abound
If outside England and Wales and/or defendant is outside
- response extends to 42 days and 6 months
What should be done if PI protocol fails to achieve settlement? (admission vs no admission)
Claimant to issue proceedings
IF there WAS an admission in pre action phase claimant to send:
- medical report they seek rely on
- (provisional) schedule of losses
- allow 21 days for settlement offer BEFORE starting proceedings