SPSS Flashcards
What variable is X
Independent variable
What variable is Y
Dependent variable
When do you use spearmans rho?
one or both variables are ordinal, or interval but not normally distributed
when do you use pearsons r?
both variables are interval and normally distributed
refers to data that is not normally distributed
categorical variable
variable that can take on one of a limited number of possible values
Regression analysis?
predict the values on the DV from the IV
What is needed for regression
two interval variables that are ND and share a linear relationship
represents the output (the effect)
represents the inputs (the cause)
One way analysis of variance
What variables does anova need?
1 categorical IV and 1 continuous DV
F test?
Tells us whether there is significance between the group difference but not where
Hoc test
tells us where the significances are
What to do if levenes test is sig?
go to robust test of equality