Spring: Week 7 Flashcards
to shave/raze to the ground/ to keep a low profile
un méfait
a misdeed
to ask serious questions of
fameux (adj)
much talked about
to tumble down
jouer des coudes
to struggle for advantage
to land; to win; to snaffle
en rafale
in a flurry; in a burst
une entourloupe
a dirty trick; a con
un retour de bâton
a backlash
bidon (adj)
bogus; false; phoney
un fer de lance
a spearhead
the same thing
les coulisses
the wings (of a stage)
coté en bourse
listed on the stock exchange
à reculons
backwards ; reluctantly
la nourriture préparée
ready meals
un atout
a trump card; greatest asset
un repoussoir
a foil; a bogeyman
Ce Géo Trouvetou de la bouffe
a character in Disney cartoons = an archetypal mad inventor
tempting (adj)