Spring Semester Study Guide Flashcards
What were the names given to bars and clubs that sold illegal alcoholic beverages?
In 1921, President Harding signed the ___________ which restricted the annual admission to the US by ethnic group.
National Origins Act
__________ is a style of music evolving from African American spirituals and noted for its melancholy sound.
Who was the teacher who was tried and fined for teaching the theory of evolution?
John T. Scopes
What was the name of the trial where John T. Scopes was fined for teaching the theory of evolution?
Scopes Monkey Trial
__________ was an American style of music that developed from ragtime and that used a syncopated rhythms and improvisation?
Who wrote the Great Gatsby?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
What amendment instituted prohibition?
Who wrote A Farewell to Arms?
Earnest Hemingway
Artistic development, racial pride, and political organization combined in a flower of African American arts known the ____________.
Harlem Renaissance
Who was the man that promoted “Negro Nationalism”?
Marcus Garvey
__________ is the belief that God created the world and everything in it, usually the way the Bible described it.
What was the name of Ford’s first car?
Model T
Who invented a special circuit that made it practical to transmit sound via long-range radio?
Edwin Armstrong
_______ believed that the Bible was literally true and without error.
Who founded the American Birth Control League in 1921?
Margaret Sanger
What amendment appealed prohibition?
What does CBS stand for?
Columbia Broadcasting System
The Volstead Act gave who the power to enforce prohibition?
US Treasury Department
Who was the former circuit-riding Methodist preacher who founded the new KKK in 1925?
William Simmons
A ___________ is a slowdown in economic activity over the course of a normal business cycle.
The __________ was the first federal agency created to stimulate the economy during peacetime?
Reconstruction Finance Company
What was the name of Dorothea Lange’s most famous photo of the Great Depression?
Migrant Mother
Who was the president in 1928?
Herbert Hoover
The __________ raised the average tariff rate to the highest level in American history.
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
What were the nicknames of shantytowns?
A long period of rising stocks is known as a _________.
Bull Market
A _______________is a sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity in one or more economies.
The Guiding Light was the nation’s first __________.
Soap Opera
What was the name of the marchers who marched from Oregon to Washington, D.C., in 1932?
Bonus Army
When stocks made their steepest dive on October 29, 1929, the media would coin this day as _________.
Black Tuesday
A market condition in which prices of securities are falling, thus causing pessimism in the market is known as a __________.
Bear Market
Who was the folk music singer who wrote songs about the dust storms?
Woody Guthrie
A ___________ is caused by persistent and heavy demands by a bank’s depositors, creditors, or customers to withdraw money.
Bank Run
Who wrote The Grapes of Wrath?
John Steinbeck
What ecological disaster struck the Great Plains in the 1930s?
Dust Bowl
__________ is the act of buying stocks at a great risk with the anticipation that the prices will rise.
What was the first movie in color?
The Wizard of Oz
People who “rode the rails” were known as __________.
__________ is a demand by a broker that investors pay back loans made for stocks purchased.
Margin Call
In January 1936, the Supreme Court declared the _________ unconstitutional.
The _____________ built dams to control floods, conserve forestland, and bring electricity to the middle and rural south.
Between March 9 and June 16, 1933 became known as the ___________ of FDR’s presidency.
Hundred Days
What paralyzing disease did FDR contract in 1921?
What was the name of the Catholic priest and radio host who turned his back on Roosevelt’s programs?
Father Charles Coughlin
What was the name of the Louisiana governor who championed the poor?
Huey Long
The ___________ was created to regulate the stock market and stop fraud.
What name was provided to Roosevelt’s conversations he had with the nation on the radio?
Fireside chats
__________ is a governmental practice of spending borrowed money rather than raising taxes, usually in an attempt to boost the economy.
Deficit spending
What was the most controversial program of all of Roosevelt’s programs that put to work artists, musicians, writers, and theater people on the government payroll?
Federal Number One
Once elected, people feared that Roosevelt would abandon the ________ and reduce the value of the dollar to fight the Depression.
Gold Standard
Who was put in charge of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration?
Harry Hopkins
The __________ was the largest public works program of the Great Depression.
What organization employed young men from ages 18-25 under the direction of the forestry service?
The core of ___________ was the monthly retirement benefit, which people collected when they stopped working at age 65.
Social Security
The ___________ provides government insurance for bank deposits.
The 15 major programs that were passed became known as the _________.
New Deal
______________ holds that government should spend heavily in a recession to jump start the economy.
Keynesian economics
Who proposed that the federal government pay citizens over age 60 a pension of $200 a month?
Francis Townsend
A ____________ is the act of closing remaining banks before bank runs could put them out of business.
Bank Holiday
Once Hitler began to rebuild his military, he violated the ____________, which also ended World War I.
Treaty of Versailles
Even more Americans turned to isolationism with the European refusal to repay their loans and the findings of the _________________ Committee, which documented the huge profits that arms factories had made during World War I.
Hitler demanded the return of ______________, a Baltic Sea port that had been separated from Germany and added to Poland at the end of World War I.
________________ was the idea that trade between nations helped to create prosperity and prevent war.
The _________ was the mass extermination of million of European Jews.
___________ means lightning warfare.
____________ took citizenship away from Jewish Germans and banned marriage between Jews and other Germans.
Nuremberg Laws
Who was the Minister of War for Japan?
Hediki Tojo
Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor occurred on what date?
December 7, 1941
_________ were camps where men, women, and children were sent to be executed.
Extermination camps
Who was the leader of the USSR?
Joseph Stalin
In his book, Adolf Hitler claimed that blond, blue-eyed Germans were descendants of a “master race” called _________.
____________, _____________, and ________ were known as the Axis Powers during World War II.
Germany, Italy, Japan
Talks between Roosevelt and Churchill on ships near Newfoundland in 1941 resulted in the __________, which committed the two leaders to a postwar world of democracy, non-aggression, and free trade.
Atlantic Charter
While in jail, what was the name of the book Hitler wrote?
Mein Kampf
The ___________ Act allowed the United States to send weapons to Britain if Britain promised to return them or pay rent for them when the war ended.
What was the name of the US territory, later a state, attacked by the Japanese?
What does USSR stand for?
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
On September 29, 1938, at the _____________, Britain and France agreed to Hitler’s demands in a policy that became known as appeasement.
Munich Conference
On January 20, 1942, Nazi leaders met at the ____________ to coordinate the “final solution of the Jewish question.”
Wannsee conference
What served as the first peacetime draft in American history?
Selective Training and Service Act
What was the name of the German troops in North Africa?
Afrika Korps
What part of present day France did the D-Day invasion take place?
What was the actual launch date of the D-Day invasion?
June 6, 1944
The Air Force created its first African American Unit, the 99th pursuit squadron, the pilots would be known as the _______.
Tuskegee Airmen
The first bombing of Tokyo was known as the ___________.
Doolittle Raids
What two Japanese cities would ultimately feel the wrath of the United States atomic bombs?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The Pittsburgh Courier launched the _________ campaign to stop the racism at home and Hitler’s racism abroad.
Double V
What was the name of the project to build the atomic bomb?
Manhattan Project
The forced march of 78,000 Americans 65 miles to a Japanese prison camp was known as the __________.
Bataan Death March
What plane dropped “Little Boy”?
Enola Gay
The great symbol of the campaign to higher women was ________, a character from a popular song by the Four Vagabonds.
Rosie the Riveter
In 1943, Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt met at the ________ to discuss the USSR’s involvement in the war.
Tehran Conference
The growth of southern California and the cities in the Deep South created a new industrial region known as the _______.
Twenty-tow German leaders were prosecuted for war crimes at the _________.
Nuremberg Trials
FDR issued __________ which stated “there shall be no discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries or government because of race, creed, color, or national origin.”
Executive Order 8802
_________ is a government contract to pay a manufacturer the cost to produce an item plus a guaranteed percentage of profit.
Cost-plus contract
The turning point of the war in the Pacific was _________.
Who was in command of the US forces at D-Day?
Dwight Eisenhower
What was the name of the 4000 mile stretch of beach defenses that Hitler requested built to protect an allied invasion?
Atlantic Wall
In April 1949, the ______________ was founded as a mutual defense alliance.
What was the name of the Soviet’s military alliance in Eastern Europe?
Warsaw Pact
The ________ would give European nations American aid to rebuild their economies.
Marshall Plan
Who was the first US delegate to the UN?
Eleanor Roosevelt
The _______, was an era of confrontation and competition between nations that lasted from about 1946 to 1990.
Cold War
In February 1945, FDR, Churchill, and Stalin met at ________- a Soviet resort on the Black Sea- to plan the postwar world.
Who became president after Roosevelt’s death?
Harry S. Truman
Who was the head of the Screen Actors Guild in 1947 and testified that there were Communists in Hollywood?
Ronald Reagan
The __________ began in June 1948 and continued through the spring of 1949, bringing in more than two million tons of supplies to West Berlin.
Berlin Airlift
What American general would be fired in 1951?
What two nations were involved mainly in the Cold War?
Soviet Union and United States
To what present day country did the Nationalist’s of the Chinese civil war flee?
Who coined the term that would separate Eastern Europe from Western Europe?
Winston Churchill
What separates North and South Korea?
38th parallel
What began that would grip the American public in September 1945?
Red Scare
The purpose of the ___________ was to help countries resist being taken over by Communist forces.
Truman Doctrine
At what conference did Truman learn of the first successful U.S. atomic bomb test?
Potsdam Conference
________ is a systematic attempt to overthrow a government by using persons working secretly from within.
Who was the director of the FBI?
J. Edgar Hoover
Senator McCarthy’s tactic of damaging reputations with vague, unfounded chargers became known as __________.