Spring Quiz III Flashcards
When you are doing your occlusal reduction and bevel, what parameters are you looking at (3)?
- Opposing occlusion, 2. Sound tooth structure, and 3. Tooth anatomy
What is the most conservative crown material?
What does the stud over-denture attachment look like?
The ball (male) is on the tooth
What does the Zest over-denture attachment look like?
The ball is in the denture
What are the interconnections between abutments and implants?
Internal/external hex, beveled internal/external (can be combined with hex, trilobe, spline, morse taper.
What interconnection has the fewest number of possible positions?
What types of copings exist in dentistry?
- Metal in PFM, 2. Framework in a bridge, impression coping for an implant and cap on overdentures
Of the precision attachments, which for an over-denture attachment is the best for stress distribution for the tooth root?
The Zest (Best for Perio issues)
What are the advantages/disadvantages of extracoronal attachments?
They put a lot of load/stress on a tooth, but canines are suited well for it.
What is a precision attachment?
“A male/female type mechanism manufactured to precise tolerances utilized to securely and reversibly connect a dental prosthesis to a tooth or an implant.”
Why is it so important to keep the taper near ideal with partial coverage gold?
You have less axial height and less retention than with a full gold crown.
What is the primary reason for a 360 degree bevel on an onlay?
It decreases the marginal gap (makes it tighter)
Why can you get away with not having an acute angle on the buccal?
Because it is accessible and the patient can keep it clean “easier to finish and easier to maintain”
What do you have at your disposal with partial coverage to give you retention and resistance?
Isthmus, boxes, grooves
Can you get mesial distal resistance along with buccal lingual with an isthmus?
Yes, if you extend it into the grooves
With a box form, what two axial walls are giving you mesial distal resistance with your box form?
The two axial walls. And the sides of the box give you the buccal lingual resistance
Are you getting any resistance with a bevel?
Yeah mesial and distal resistance form only on an onlay
In a 3/4 gold crown, what aspect of your retentive grooves compensate for lack of a buccal wall?
The lingual side of that groove
What might some contraindications for gold be?
Esthetics, when in doubt, don’t do it.