Spreadsheets Flashcards
electronic spreadsheet
a computer file created by spreadsheet software which allows users to input and organize data, create charts and perform data analysis
Name two popular spreadsheet software
Microsoft Excel and Mac Numbers
usage of electronic spreadsheet
to produce accounting reports, financial models, inventory reports, quotation and personal mail lists
contains cells to input data
a spreadsheet file that contains one or more worksheets to organize data
data on different worksheets can be _____
row number
1 to 1,048,576
column letter
A to XFD
The intersection of a row and a column
modify data in an active cell
Double-click the cell and then change the cell content in the cell
different data formats in cells
- General
- Number
- Currency
- Percentage
- Date
- Time
wrap text
merging and formatting cells so that the text does not overflow to the right but wraps around the cell
When you enter too much text in a cell
if it is left-aligned it will overflow to the right on a single row
allows users to create a series of values based on the value of one or more selected cells adjacent to each other
usage of autofill
to create number sequences, time lists, day lists, week lists, month lists and regular text patterns
how to function autofill
- Use the fill handle (A tiny solid square located at the bottom right corner of a cell).
- Move the cursor above the fill handle and it will change to a cross +
- Drag it downwards to fill the cells below.
process of reordering the records according to a specific criterion
how can sorting be performed in an Excel spreadsheet
by either simple sort list or sorting with multiple criteria