spread of the depression Flashcards
what was the GDP in 1933?
$54 billion
what was the smoot hawley tariff 1930?
taxes of 40% were placed on agricultural and industrial goods
what was the importance of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act 1932
This was the FIRST MAJOR LEGISLATION to offer relief from the Depression where Hoover gave his support to this in response to growing calls for direct relief.
how many were unemployed in 1929?
how much did unemployment increase in 1933
up to 17m people were out of work and suffering
how many banks failed between 1929-32?
what was the economic impacts of the depression
problems with credit and banking
older industries
what were social effects of the depression
strain on family life
many of the unemployed became hoboes
insufficient relief
outline the situation of rural poverty
many farmers haf there farms foreclosed as rthey couldnt keep up with mortgage payments
How did Hoover’s experiences influence his attitudes towards relief?
Hoover was a self-made success. He believed in hard work, not in free government handouts. He believed this would lead to a class of people who were overly dependant on government. This became his belief in self-help.
The Agricultural Marketing Act 1929
Agriculture had not experienced the boom of the 1920s, and rural poverty was amongst the worst in the USA
Due to drop in demand after WW1, overproduction and reduction in prices led to huge wastage and 66% of farmers operating at a loss long before the financial crisis. By 1926, 17.4 farms per 1,000 were foreclosed. These problems were only exacerbated after 1929.
The Agricultural Marketing Act 1929
What did Hoover do?
1929 Agricultural Marketing Act set up the Federal farm board with $500 million to deal with overproduction. They were to buy, store and eventually dispose of farm surpluses.
The Agricultural Marketing Act 1929
the Board was praying above market price for the produce, therefore wasting taxpayers’ money.These artificially high prices could not be sustained in the long turn,
This in turn encouraged farmers to keep producing as the Board would buy their produce, so Overproduction still happened.
The Hawley-Smoot tariff
Context: Fordney-McCumber Tariff had already raised tariffs to protect American interests - European countries then raised tariffs further.
The Hawley-Smoot tariff
raised tariffs to what %
Highest tariff in American history with average duties of 40% on industrial and agricultural items.