Sprains/Injuries Flashcards
Arnica montana
sore/bruised feeling - as if beaten, as from a blow, as from a fall
aversion/fear to being touched or approached
says he is well, thinks he is well, sends doc away
bed feels too hard
Bellis perennis
worse touch cold applications amel coldness after injury strain injury after overexertion worse getting wet (cold) pregnancy - sore in abd, feel every movement of baby injury to coccyx
Bryonia alba
aversion to being disturbed worse w/least motion better lying on painful side, constant pressure, being still worse lying on painless side motion of eyes agg vomiting after injury
Rhus toxicodendron
annoying stiff painful feeling leading to restlessness
compelled to move affected joint - gets stiff
worse first motion, better continued motion & heat
worse cold/damp
lameness of joint after sprain
worse with rest
sciatica w/numbness
Calcarea carbonica
lots of fears, anxieties, worries chronic sprains, esp ankles injuries of spine - lifting agg injuries of right side injuries from overexertion worse cold, exertion contracture, wasting, or paralysis after injury worse cold dry weather Bell's palsy from cold wind weak feeling in lumbars lumbar pain as if sprained, worse rising from sitting hip pain extending to sciatica
Ledum palustre
puncture wounds coldness of part worse w/cold and better heat blueness or purplish injured area affected parts get cold, puffy, mottled - better w/cold prophylaxis of tetanus lumbar pain at beginning of motion, rising from sitting stiffness around sacrum
Ranunculus bulbosus
sprains of shoulder, around scapula
worse motion, cold, change of weather, lying on painful side
stitching pain in right shoulder worse motion & wet weather
bursting pains
pressing pains as from a load
stitching lumbar pain worse after eating
sore last rib
stiffness worse stormy weather, change of weather worse right side sensation something alive in extremities heat in wrists ascending amel, descending agg worse winter solstice, working in water
Ruta graveolens
strains of flexor tendons worse cold, exertion better heat, wrapping, gentle motion easy dislocation of ankles lameness of joint after sprain injuries of periosteum ganglion from a blow better by rubbing worse letting limb hang down lumbar pain better w/flatus, better walking
Stricta pulmonaria
bursae/bursitis, heat in joints
inflam of bursae of knee, white swelling of knee (TB)
catarrhal sxs before or after rheumatic pains
inclination to blow the nose constantly
Strontium carbonicum
weak ankles w/recurrent sprains sprains w/pitting edema tearing pain in wrists, pain in joints as if dislocated, as if screwed together sunlight amel "surgeon's carbo-veg"
sprained pain in ankles, worse standing/walking tearing pain in elbow better w/motion sore/burning pains worse heat, raising arms stiff in knees after sitting mostly left side sciatica worse standing and walking
Calcarea phosphorica
slow repair of skull fractures non-union of old fractures pains worse cold weather slow repair of fractures in children excessive callus of fractured bone
Hypochondriacal tongue or hand laceration head pain after mechanical injuries open fractures pain out of proportion to injury gets colds in wet weather
Carbolic acid
finger tips crushed anyphylactic shock fractures w/torn soft tissue sensation of a band/hoop on a body part anaphylaxis from bee stings putrid discharges