spot test revision Flashcards
What is the fibrocartilage between bones called?
Secondary Cartilaginous joints
Name for head of femur
Name for neck of femur
Name for shaft of femur
What type of joint joins radius and ulna?
fibrous sheet
What TYPE of joint are pivot, plane, ball and socket, hinge and biaxial?
Synovial joint
What is the word for when one or more vertebrae are out of allignment?
What type of joints are intervertebral discs?
Secondary cartilaginous joints
fibrocartilage between bones
Special feature of TMJ?
Articular disc
Two parts of bone?
Inner medulla
Outer cortex
What joins bones of skull?
type of fibrous joint
Outer layer of bone (painful if fractured)
Foramen between occipital and temporal bones
Jugular foramen
Bone no articulations:
Bones of shoulder that attach upper limb to axial skeleton
Pectoral girdle
What bones are in pectoral girdle?
Hole passing through base of skull
Foramen magnum
How many of each type of vertibrae?
Cervical 7 Thoracic 12 Lumbar 5 Sacral 5 Coccygeal 4
First palpable spinous process?
Largest artery
Vein going into left atrium
Pulmonary vein
Vessel at back of heart
Coronary sinus
Junction for all four chambers of the heart
crux of the heart
heart’s nerve supply
cardiac plexus
Vertebral level where larynx becomes trachea
Supports trachea and bronchi
Hyaline cartilage
Narrowest part of larynx
Rima glottidis
Bony projection of iliac bone
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
Joints of breathing
Costochondral, costovertebral, sternocostal
is caecum lower or upper GI tract?
Process on C2
Odontoid process
Muscle(s) of opening mouth
Lateral pterygoid
Muscle(s) of closing mouth
Medial pterygoid, Masseter, Temporalis
Muscles that prevent drooling
Obicularis Oris
Salivary glands near ears
Salivary glands under tongue
Salivary glands under jaw
Name for ring of tonsils at back of oral cavity
Waldeyer’s ring of tonsils
Sphincter between pharynx and oesophagus
Sphincter between stomach and duodenum
Sphincter association with ampulla of vater
Sphincter of oddi
Vein draining POSTERIOR part of intercostal spaces
Supplies posterior part of intercostal spaces with blood
Thoracic aorta (has bilateral posterior intercostal arteries)
Nerve supplying diaphragm
Phrenic (C3,4,5)
Palpation of trachea
Jugular notch
What runs in delto-pectoral groove?
Cephalic vein
Where does cephalic vein run?
Delto-pectoral groove
Abdominal muscles
Rectus abdominus
Layers of muscle that guard abdomen? (3)
Transverse abdominus
Interal oblique
External oblique
Foramen between greater and lesser sac
Omental foramen
What lies at free edge of lesser omentum
Portal triad
Portal triad consists of:
Hepatic artery
Hepatic Portal Vein
Common bile duct
When draining ascites, needle placed:
Lateral to rectus sheeth
Breakdown of RBCs occurs in:
Bile formed:
Stores and concentrates bile
Gall bladder
What makes up celiac trunk?
Hepatic Artery, Splenic artery, Left Gastric Artery
Supplies stomach with blood (lesser curvature):
Right and Left gastric arteries
Supplies stomach with blood (greater curvature):
Right and left gastro-omental arteries
(of 4 liver lobes)
Lobe at top:
Lobe at bottom:
Caudate (top)
Quadrate (bottom)
Which vessel does blood from liver drain to?
Describe venous flow TO liver:
Foregut organs to splenic vein, splenic vein to hepatic vein
Midgut organs to superior mesenteric vein, superior mesenteric vein to hepatic vein
Hindgut organs to Inferior mesenteric vein, inferior mesenteric vein to splenic vein, splenic vein to hepatic vein
Heptic vein to liver
Structure bile goes into and out of Gall Bladder through
Cystic duct
Blood supply to gall bladder
Cystic artery
Hepatic artery
Bile duct and pancreatic duct join to form:
Ampulla of Vater (drains into duodenum)
Ampulla of vater passes into 2nd part of duodenum through: (2)
Shincter of Oddi
Major duodena Papilla
Hepatic duct drains into:
Cystic duct (to gall baldder) Bile duct
Where does lymph drain to
Thoracic duct
Right lymohatic duct
What lies between azygous vein and thoracic aorta?
Thoracic duct
What vertebral level does the trachea bifurcate at?
What is the trachea bifurcation called?
Left recurrant laryngeal nerve branch from which nerve?
What does left recurrent laryngeal nerve hook under?
Arch of aorta
Which nerve, if compressed, causes hoarseness?
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
What side of thorax (right or left) is:
Azygous vein?
Thoracic aorta?
Right (azygous vein)
Left (thoracic aorta)
What drains blood from ANTERIOR thoracic wall?
Internal thoracic vein
Supplies ANTERIOR thoracic wall with blood?
Internal thoracic artery
Where does blood, drained from anterior thoracic wall, through the anterior thoracic vein, drain to?
Brachioceohalic vein
What causes winged scapula?
Damage to long thoracic nerve (which supplies serratous anterior)
What nerve supplies serratous anterior?
Long thoracic nerve
What does long thoracic nerve supply? What does damage to this nerve cause?
Supplies serratous anterior
Damage causes winged scapuul
Ligament joining right and left lobes of liver?
Falciform ligament
Ligament joining liver to diaphragm?
Coronary ligament
Ligament (rounded) at bottom of liver:
Ligament teres
Nerves run along side heart
Nerve supplies heart
Vagus (parasympathetic)
Decrease HR
Small facial bone between temporal bone and frontal bone:
“Processes” on vertibrae:
Spinous Process
Articular Process
Transverse Process
What causes peristalsis in gut?
Vagus nerve
Genitals, uterus, peroneum etc drains to:
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
Posteriolateral part of calf drains to:
Popliteal lymph nodes
Pouch of douglas=
Recto-uterine pouch
“pouches” in women:
Recto-uterine (PoD)
“pouch” in men:
Recto-vesicle pouch
Hepato-renal recess
and rectovesicle pouch
Lowest parts (male) when patient supine
What drains into RA?
Coronary sinus, SVC, IVC
Hole in right atrium:
Could be:
opening to coronary sinus
fossa ovalis
Hole in Left Atrium:
Could be: Foramen ovale (more of a valve)