Sports med Injury Assessment Flashcards
What does R.I.C.E stand for?
R- Rest from any aggravating activity that can make the injury worse.
I- Ice for 20 minutes and take off for 40 minutes. Apply Ice for the first 2 hours during the 48 hours.
C- Compression towards the heart.
E- Elevate injured body part above the heart.
How should the ice be wrapped?
Ice pack should be wrapped firmly in place by a tensor bandage. Make sure to check for circulation.
What does the body do for an injured area?
Sends special cells to limit damage and cause healing.
What are Involuntary Muscle Spasms?
Splints the area and reduces blood flow.
Trauma results in:
Pain-:Increased pressure on nerves. Its the cells response to lack of CO2.
Swelling: Gathering of fluids like blood.
Redness: Increase of blood supply
Heat: Increase of blood supply.
Loss of Function: Muscles tighten up or shrink (muscular constriction).
What are Acute injuries?
Result from a sudden traumatic incident.
What are Chronic Injuries?
Injury that develops over a long period of time.
What are Recurrent injuries?
This injury heals but leaves body structure weak or stretched.
Direct Blow:
A force that is applied to a part of the body.
- causes breaks and internal bleeding.
Load application with axial rotation
- Force onto twisting
One part of the body is going one way over top of another part of the body going the other way.
- ACL and Brain injury
Bending and twisting of bones:
Athlete gets bent over.
When an Injury occurs, what are the different states?
Inflammatory Phase- swelling, heat, altered function, redness, pain.
Repair and regenerate- eliminate damaged tissue, regenerate healthy tissue cells, and generate scar tissue.
Remodeling Phase- New scar tissues needs to to gain strength, rehabilitate.
Returning to Play:
- written consent for physician
Pain free range of motion
Pre-injury strength, flexibility, endurance, speed and etc. - Athlete is confident enough to play.
Primary Assessment Leadership:
Leadership and safety
- Take control of situation
- Are the bleeding?
- Has the play/game stopped?
- Is there a chance of re-injury?