Sport psychology - strategies Flashcards
Mental rehearsal
To mentally rehearse your performance.
During mental rehearsal, the athlete needs to focus on relevant cues, execution and timing.
An effective form of mental rehearsal is called imagery (visualisation).
It can be in the form of words in your head, or words actually spoken out loud.
The two most important forms of self-talk are:
Negative self-talk “I’ll never make this shot”
Positive self-talk “You can do this!”
Negative Self-Talk
Negative self-talk is “critical and unhelpful dialogue that you say to yourself”
It is often critical of your abilities and actions and is detrimental to performance outcomes.
Trigger Words
Trigger words are instructional self-talk that an athlete says to themselves as a reminder of what to do.
Saying a trigger word helps them to re-focus and concentrate on performing the desired response instead.
Refocusing Plans
This skill (also known as resetting) allows the athlete to recentre their focus on the present moment and stay emotionally under control.
Often, a refocusing plan can be as simple as positive, technical self-talk cues such as “Hit the ball at its peak” or “Slow your swing”.
Thought Stopping
Thought stopping is about identifying when negative self-talk is impacting your performances and putting some strategies in place to address this process.
“Relaxation is the state in which one is physically and psychologically free from uncontrolled tension, anxiety and negative thoughts. It’s commonly characterised by feelings of ease, looseness and readiness.
Energiser techniques
Energiser techniques can lift an athlete’s mood, mindset, arousal and motivation. They are techniques that improve performance as a result of improving personal psychological state.”
Relaxation and energiser techniques
Progressive muscle relaxation
Abdominal breathing
Mindfulness and meditation
Listening to music
Progressive Muscle relaxation
Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a form of therapy that involves tightening and relaxing your muscle groups, one at a time, in a specific pattern. The goal is to release tension from your muscles, while helping you recognise what that tension feels like.
Music can be used by athletes to evoke a psychological response. It can be used to help achieve optimal levels of arousal by both raising and lowering arousal levels based on choice of music.
Performance Routines
“Performance routines are “a routine established by the athlete in order to maintain focus”.