Spontaneous miscarriage Flashcards
Spontaneous miscarriage
Foetus dies/delivers dead <24w (majority <12w)
Rate of spontaneous miscarriage increases…
…with maternal age
Threatened miscarriage (viable intrauterine pregnancy)
Bleeding but foetus still alive, uterus expected size, cervical os closed (25% miscarry)
Inevitable miscarriage
Bleeding typically heavier, foetus potentially still alive, cervical os open; miscarriage about to occur.
Incomplete miscarriage
Some foetal parts passed but os usually open
Complete miscarriage
All foetal tissue passed. Bleeding diminished, uterus not longer enlarged, os closed.
Septic miscarriage
Uteral contents infected causing endometritis. Vaginal loss typically offensive, uterus tender but fever may be absent. If pelvic infection = abdo pain/peritonism
Missed miscarriage
Foetus not developed/died in utero but this not recognised until bleeding occurs or USS performed. Uterus smaller than expected from dates and os closed.
Main cause of one off/sporadic miscarriage
Isolated, non-recurring chromosomal abnormalities (>60%)
Exercise, stress and emotional trauma…
…do not cause miscarriage
Typical presentation
Bleeding PV (exception = missed miscarriage - may be incidental finding on USS). Pain from uterine contractions may cause confusion with ectopic pregnancy
USS - show foetus/viability, any retained foetal products. Can be repeated a week later as non-viables can be confused with very early pregnancy
Blood tests - hCG in blood increases by >63% in viable pregnancy; in failed pregnancy, hCG declines by 50%. Note hCG changes between a rise of 63% and fall of 50% may indicate ectopic. Also Rh blood type.
Coexisitant ectopic (heteropic pregnancy) is a rare complication associated with…
Pregnancy of unknown location (PUL)
Empty uterine cavity and no abnormal adnexal masses of fluid/blood (could be early viable, failing intrauterine, ectopic pregnancies or complete miscarriage)
Admission may be required if…
…ectopic suspected, woman is symptomatic, miscarriage is septic or if there is very heavy bleeding
If bleeding is profuse (and pregnancy non-viable)…
…consider ergometrine 0.5mg IM (induces uterine contraction)
If there is unacceptable pain/bleeding, or USS still showing significant amounts of retained products…
…consider surgical management of miscarriage (SMM), previously called emergency removal of products of conception (ERPC)
Bed rest/hormone treatment with progesterone/hCG…
…do not prevent miscarriage
Management can be…
Expectant management
Woman must be willing + not signs of infection
Successful in most women within 2-6 weeks
First line approach
Medical management
Missed miscarriage - 800micrograms misoprostol (oral/vaginal)
Incomplete miscarriage - 600/800micrograms misoprostol (oral/vaginal)
Repeat urine pregnancy test at 3w to rule out ectopics/molar
Mifipristone may also be used (600)
Surgical management
SMM/ERPC - evacuation of uterus (many be manual in clinic or under GA in theatre)
Products sent to histology to exclude molar pregnancy
Expectant and medical management may require surgical management to complete
Infection (all management))
Long term conception rates unaffected by management option.
In <1% surgically managed cases, risk of Asherman’s syndrome (partial removal of endometrium) or uterine perforation
For follow up
Offer counselling
Further investigation only recommended in women who…
Have had three+ miscarriages
Had miscarriage >12w
Causes of miscarriage
Genetic abnormalities (most common) Maternal illness (diabetes, ?thyroid) Phospholipid/lupus (esp recurrent miscarriage) Uterine abnormalities Cervical incompetence
Hx questions?
LMP When Amount Pain Timing (of pain)
Examination findings
ABC vital signs Abdominal Vaginal speculum (cervical state, amount of bleeding)
Key Ix in EPC/EPAU
USS (most important) Serum hCG Blood and Rh group FBC, G&S, admit if bleed significant Psychological support
USS findings
Expect to see viable foetus from 6.5w transabdominally, 5.5w transvaginally
Diagnosis made by TVS only
Crown-rump length >7mm
Empty GS with mean diameter >25mm
Should double (inc by 66%) within 1-2 days if foetus viable
Halve (decrease 50%) in 1-2 days in complete miscarriage
Should see foetal pose with hCG of 1500-2000
Second trimester miscarriage associated with
Infection (e.g. CMV)
Bacterial vaginosis
Mid trimester miscarriage
Assoc with mechanical abnormalities (cervical weakness), uterine abnormalities, chronic maternal disease, infection or no identified cause.