Spondylosis, Spondylolysis, Spondylolisthesis Flashcards
What is the definition of spondylosis?
a vertebral condition
What is the definition of spondylolysis?
a vertebral seperation or vertebral cleavage
What is the definition of spondylolisthesis?
a vertebral slippage
What is the current limited definition of spondylosis?
a vertebral condition that is acquired or age-related
What are some of the causes of spondylolysis?
congenital, acquare during development, the result of aging, or the result of trauma
What is the location of spondylolysis that will be stressed in Spinal I?
a separation along the pars interarticularis (defect in the pars interarticularis or pars defect)
What parts of a vertebra are separated as a result of a pars defect?
the anterior element from the posterior element
What specific parts of a vertebra are separated as a result of a pars defect?
the vertebral body, pedicle, and articular process are separated from the other articular process, lamina, and spinous process.
What are the anterior elements of the vertebra?
the other articular process, lamina, and spinous process
What is the incidence of spondylolysis in the general population?
a range of 2.6% to 10%
What is the incidence of spondylolysis in the native Alaskan population?
What is the geographic or ethnic bias for a higher incidence of spondylolysis?
the native Alaskan (Inuit) population
Lumbar spondylolysis has not been reported in what groups of individuals?
fetuses, newborns, rarely in children under five years old, patients who have never walked and in non-erect species
Lumbar spondylolysis has only been reported in what types of species?
those species that walk erect; humans
What does lumbar spondylolysis appear to be related to?
the uniquely human upright stance or erect posture
What is the gender bias and locational bias associated with lumbar spondylolysis?
men at L5/S1; women at L4/L5
What is the age range typically associated with lumbar sponylolysis?
10-20 years old
What activités are particularly stressful at the pars interarticularis of lumbar vertebrae?
gymnastics, dance, soccer
What motion is particularly associated with lumbar spondylolysis?
hyperextension coupled with rotation
What fill the space in a lumbar spondylolysis?
fibrocartilagenous material
What types of neural functions have been associated with the spondylolysis ligament?
nociception, neuromodulation and autonomic function
What is the appearance of the lumbar vertebra upon oblique x-ray view?
a Scotty dog
What is the appearance of a pars defect in a lumbar vertebra upon oblique x-ray view?
a collared Scotty dog
What part of a lumbar vertebra forms the neck of a Scotty dog?
the pars interarticularis below the superior articular process
In an oblique x-ray, spondylolysis below the superior articular process of a lumbar pars interarticularis is associated with what part of the Scotty dog?
the neck of the Scotty dog
What part of a lumbar vertebra forms the eye of a Scotty dog?
the pedicle
What part of a lumbar vertebra forms the ear of a Scotty dog?
the superior articular process
What part of a lumbar vertebra forms the nose of a Scotty dog?
the transverse process
What characteristics are associated with cervical spondylolysis?
rare, congential, gender biased toward men, most common at C6 and linked to spondylolisthesis and spina bifida
What is the incidence of sacral spondylolysis in the general population?
its rare
What ethnic group is associated with a high incidence of sacral spondylolysis?
the native Alaskan (Inuit) popultion
Is sacral spondylolysis the result of congenital conditions, acquired conditions or an age-related conditions?
it seems to be aquired
What gender bias is associated with sacral spondylolysis?
gender biased toward men
What vertebral level is associated with sacral spondylolysis?
most common at S1
What activities are associated with sacral spondylolysis?
kayaking and harpooning
What vertebral condition results in sponylolisthesis?
bilateral spondylolysis
What is the direction of spondylolisthesis?
anterior or forward displacement
What is the posterior direction of vertebral slippage called?
retrospondylolisthesis or retrolisthesis
Identify all names given to type I spondylolisthesis.
dysplastic spondylolisthesis and congenital spondylolisthesis
Identify all names given to type IV spondylolisthesis
traumatic spondylolisthesis
What is the locational bias of type I spondylolisthesis?
L5 or upper sacral segemtns
What additional conditions are linked to type I spondylolisthesis?
spina bifida occulta and nerve root compression of the S1 nerve
Which subtype of type II spondylolisthesis is stressed in Spinal?
lytic spondylolisthesis or stress fracture induced spondylolisthesis
What is the cause most frequently given for type II spondylolisthesis?
micro fractures as the result of repetitive stress during hyperflexion and rotation
What is the age group typically associated with type II spondylolisthesis?
teenagers or young adults
What gender bias, locational bias, and spinal canal dimensions are associated with type II spondylolisthesis?
isthmus spondylolisthesis is common in men, located at the L5/S1 level and demonstrates an increased in sagittal diameter of the spinal canal
What is the gender bias, locational bias, and spinal canal dimension changes often associated with type III spondylolisthesis?
degenerative spondylolisthesis is more common in women, particularly at L4/L5, and demonstrates no change in sagittal diameter of the spinal canal
What causes type IV spondylolisthesis?
fracture of the neural arch components
What are the causes associated with type V spondylolisthesis?
bone diseases such as Paget disease or osteogenesis imperfecta