Spoken Language Flashcards
What are things that could affect your style of speaking?
Emotions, Where you are from, Family, Your education, Hobbies, Gender, Religious or Political ideology
What is a Discourse Community?
A group of people who share basic values and assumptions, and use language to communicate them
What are the FOUR conversational genres?
Transactional, Interactional, Phatic, Expressive.
What is the Transactional conversation genre?
Language used to get things done. Money is also sometimes exchanged.
What is the Interactional conversation genre?
Language used to build and maintain relationships.
What is the Phatic conversation genre?
Small talk.
What is the Expressive conversation genre?
Language used to express emotions.
Can conversations switch between genres?
What is a Filler?
Words that fill spaces for additional time to think.
What is a Pause?
Silence between utterances or words, is usually done either on purpose or subconsciously
What is an Utterance?
A complete unit of talk.
What is a (.) ?
A short pause.
What is a (3) ?
A longer pause, the length of the pause is marked in seconds between the brackets.
What is = ?
Latched talk, when people speak directly after one another.
What is _ ?
Overlapping speech.
What are Non Fluency Features?
Typical and normal characteristics of spoken language that interrupt the flow of talk.
What are False Starts?
Where the speaker begins an utterance, then corrects themselves and they rephrase.
What are Repairs?
When a speaker recognises an error and repeats what they said with some sort of correction.
What is Repetition?
When someone repeats identical words and structures, usually showing they don’t know what to say.
What is Vague Language?
These are statements that are unassertive or sound imprecise. This could show that they are unsure.
What is Back Channelling?
Backchannels are utterances such as “mhm,” “uh-huh,” “wow,” “yeah,” and “really,” This display shows that they are listening to the speaker but do not wish to take their turn.
What are Paralinguistic Features?
The non-verbal elements that accompany speech and convey meaning.
What is the structure of words called?
What is the structure of Sentences?
What is the Discourse?
The whole text, including the overall structure.
What is Pragmatics?
Pragmatics focuses on conversational implicature, which is a process in which the speaker implies and a listener infers.
Why would people use Pragmatics?
Might be too hurtful to say the actual meaning, Professional situations, To mock someone, To hint something, An emotional situation.
What are Proper Nouns?
Names of specific people, places and brands.
What are Concrete Nouns?
Things you can physically see or touch, EG. a rock.
What are Abstract Nouns?
Things such as: Concepts (Truth), States (Motherhood), Qualities (Honesty), and Emotions (Sadness)
What are Collective Nouns?
Groups of people, animals, or things. EG. Government and Audience.
What are Count Nouns?
Nouns that can be counted by adding plural suffixes, EG. Bricks. “One brick, two bricks.”
What are Mass Nouns?
Nouns that cannot be counted, as they do not have a plural version. “information” not “informations”
Can nouns be both Count AND Mass?
Yes! It depends on the context, EG. “War”
Where does a Pre-Modifier go?
Before the Noun, EG. “DANGEROUS animal”
Where does a Post-Modifier go?
After the Noun, EG. “Examination IN PROGRESS”
What is an Attributive Adjective?
An adjective that is PRE-MODIFYING.
What is a Predictive Adjective?
An adjective that is POST-MODIFYING.
How are Adjectives graded?
How do you form a Comparative Adjective?
Adding -ER.
How do you form a Superlative Adjective?
Adding -EST
What is the Cooperative Principle?
The idea that the success of a conversation depends upon the various speaker’s approach to the interaction. AKA how they try to make a conversation work.
What are Grice’s Maxims?
Grice proposed that if the speaker and hearer follow those principles they will have a successful communication. These were called his “Maxims of Conversation” These are Quality, Quantity, Manner and Relevance.
What is the Maxim of Quality?
The principle of being “true” and “honest”
What is the Maxim of Quantity?
The principle of being brief / not too brief.
What is the Maxim of Manner?
The principle of being “clear” and “unambiguous”
What is the Maxim of Relevance?
The principle of keeping things on topic.
What is Howard Giles’ Communication Accommodation Theory?
The process by which participants in a conversation adjust their accent, diction, or other aspects of language according to the speech style of the other participant.
What does it mean to “Flout” Grice’s Maxims?
To not adhere to them, common with Children and Autistic people.
Why are Grice’s Maxims flouted on purpose?
Quality = Irony
Quantity = Not answering in full, being annoying
Manner = Jargon to be intimidating
Relevance = Pretending to mishear to change coversation
What is Convergence?
Making themselves sound similar to the p
What is Divergence?
Making themselves sound different to the person they are speaking to, to highlight social differences
What is Overt Prestige?
When speakers have command of a standard dialect or an accent that is socially defined to have social status within a wider community. USE IT TO SHOW POWER
What Covert Prestige?
When speakers have command of a dialect in an effort to ‘belong’, making them be part of a specific community. USE IT TO SHOW BELONGING
What is Pragmatics?
The study of the part of language that plays out in social situations
What is Prosody?
How you say things