SPM mod 1 Flashcards
What is software crisis ?
List five contributing factors to software crisis.
What is Feasibility Study?
As the name implies, a feasibility analysis is used to determine the viability of an idea, such as ensuring a project is legally and technically feasible as well as economically justifiable. It tells us whether a project is worth the investment—in some cases, a project may not be doable. There can be many reasons for this, including requiring too many resources, which not only prevents those resources from performing other tasks but also may cost more than an organization would earn back by taking on a project that isn’t profitable.
List three types of feasibility study types
List four responsibilities of a project manager
1- feasibility study
2- Planning
3- Moniter and control
4- representing- meeting with clients and developers etc
List five characteristics of a software project
What is a project plan ?
What is work breakdown structure ?
What is critical path method ?
List some key project stakeholders
1- project manager
2- team members
3- customer
4- sponsors
How does stakeholder management works ?
1- Stakeholder Identification
2- Stakeholder analysis
3- Stakeholder matrix
What is scope of a project ?
It is what needs to be achieved and the work that must be done to deliver a project includes a list of specific goals, deliverables, tasks, deadlines and costs.
Scope can refer to either product scope or project scope
What is product scope ?
Product scope is defined as the functions and features that characterize a product or a service
What is project scope ?
Project scope is the work that must be done in order to deliver a product according to the product’s scope(required functions and features)
what is W5HH principle ?
The barry W boehm proposed questions that is helpful in defining scope of a project. 1- Why is the software being built 2- What will be done. 3- When will it be done 4- Who is responible for a function 5- Where does the organisation located
What is involved in project scope management ?
1- Planning scope management 2- Collecting requirements 3- Creating the work breakdown structure(WBS) 4- Validating scope 5- controlling scope
List five reasons for project failure ?
1- Developement team doesn't understand customer's needs 2- Choosen technology changes 3- Unrealistic deadlines 4- Inexperienced team 5- Poor project management
What are the types of software ?
1 - package software- prewriiten software , horizontal market and vertical market
2- custom software
What are information systems ?
eg stock control software, patient management software
What are embedded softwares ?
controls hardware
eg- automobile control software, Nuclear plant control software, robots, TV remote
What are software services ?
it includes, software customization, maintainance, testing, and also contract programmers who carry out ad hoc activities.
What are the constraints of a software project ?
Time constraints- deadlines
Scope constraints - Goals, features and functions
cost constraints - Budget of the project
What are the key objectives of effective manageement ?
1- Quality - quality standards must be met
2- productivity - Increased productivity lowers cost
3- Risk reduction - Risk should be identified and must be dealt early
How to select the right person for the job ?
1- Create a job specification 2- Create a job holder profile 3- Obtain applicants 4- Examine CVs 5- Interviews
What is motivation ?
Motivation is the willingness to exert efforts in order to achieve a desired outcome or goal which will satisfy someone’s needs.
List four theories on motivation
1- Tayloirist model
2- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
3- Herzberg’s two factor theory
4- Expectancy theory of motivation
What is taylorist model ?
in this model taylor emphasis on the piece rates and day rates
Piece rates are those where the workers are paid a fixed sum for each single item they produce whereas day rates refer to the daily pay that is given to the workers on a timely basis.
What is maslow’s heirarchy of needs ?
The basic needs are placed by maslow in an ascending order of importance are -
1- Physiological needs- food, shelter etc
2- Security or safety needs
3- Affiliation or social needs
4- Esteem needs- this kind of need produces satisfactions like respect, power, prestige, status
5- Self-actualization needs- this is the highest need in the heirarchy. it is the desire to become what one is capable of becoming.
What is herzberg’s two factor theory ?
people tend to be dissatisfied about thier job due to certain factors. they are -
1- Hygiene or maintainance factors
2- motivators
A hygiene factor makes the person dissatisfied if they are not rightly used. for eg- The working conditions of the worker
Motivators can make the person feel that the job is worth doing it. like a sense of achievement or the challenge of the work
What is expectancy theory of motivation ?
Vroom identified three influencing factors on motivation. They are-
1- Expectancy - is a belief that working harder will lead to better performance.
2- Instrumentality - is the belief that better performance will be rewarded.
3- Percieved value- denotes the resulting reward.
List three Methods to improve motivation
1- Specific goals - Must be demanding goals but yet acceptable by staff and should gain approval from them
2- Providing feedback - reflects the performance of the staff about how they are progressing
3- Considering job design - makes the job more interesting and provides the staff with greater responsibility
Causes of stree in project management ?
1- unrealistic timeline
2- working in a matrix system in which PM does not have the full control of the resources
3- lack of resources- human or equipment
4 - Inter group conflict