Splenic Disorders Flashcards
Why are we concerned about the Spleen in animals with GVD?
Spleen is joined with the fundus of the stomach via the gastrosplenic ligament- when the stomach twists these ligaments can rupture or can cut off blood supply to the spleen
What are the four main functions of the spleen? Do these occur in the red or white pulp?
Red blood cell maintenance & iron storage (red pulp)
Blood reservoir (red pulp)
Haematopoiesis (red pulp- only when bone marrow is dysfunctional)
Immune functions (white pulp)
How does the spleen act as blood reservoir?
Blood is stored in a smooth muscle capsule when the spleen is relaxed and distended- when the body needs extra blood, the spleen contracts to release this blood
Half of all splenic masses are…
If a patient presents with Splenomegaly and anaemia/ haemoabdomen, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Ruptured canine haemangiosarcoma
How do we treat a canine haemangiosarcoma if there is no metastasis and what is the prognosis?
Splenectomy - survival time 3-12 weeks
What is splenic torsion and what does it lead to?
when the spleen twists on its vascular pedicle, occluding the hiliar vessels leading to congestion and thrombosis
Dogs with splenic torsion usually present with what signs?
How can we confirm this diagnosis?
Abdominal pain, distension, shock
Confirm with ultrasound
When is a partial splenectomy indictaed?
For focal disease or benign neoplasia’s
[though most vets just prefer to perform a full splenectomy]
What sutures should be used to close the wound after a partial splenectomy?
Overlapping mattress sutures & then close the cut end with continuous suture
Before splenectomy surgery, what should we take into consideration/ what are the risks of a Splenectomy?
There’s increased risk of DIC- disseminated intravascular coagulation so always perform aPTT test to measure and evaluate all the clotting factors
Increased risk of cardiac arrythmia- be prepared with an antidysrhythmic drug such as Lidocaine