Spleen Points Flashcards
Spleen Channel
Tai Yin, PL, 21 points, 9-11 a
SP 3
PL medial side, just proximal to metatarsophalangeal jt on plantomedial side of MT 2
SP 4
plantomedial side in depression distal to base of MT2
SP 6
3 cun proximal to top of medial malleolus in small depression on caudal border of tibia
SP 8
medial pelvic limb 3 cun distal to SP 9 on caudal border of tibia just below the insertion of the semitendonosus muscle
SP 9
follow tibia until it bends caudally just below medial tibial condyle
SP 10
1 patellas up and over btw bellies of the sartorius muscle
SP 21
Lateral thorax at 7th ICS at level of shoulder when standing
SP Jing Well
SP 1 (wood)
SP Ying Spring
SP 2
SP Shu Stream
SP 3
SP Jing River
SP 5
SP He Sea
SP 9
SP Yuan Source
SP 3
SP Luo Connecting
SP 4
SP Xi Cleft
SP 8
SP Horary Pt
SP 3
SP Back Shu
SP 20 / 49
SP Front Mu
LIV 13
Chong Mai Confluent Point
SP 4
Master Point Caudal Abdomen / Urogenital
SP 6