FVC/FEV1 for flow impairment
If under 70, look at FEV1 for severity
○ Normal = over 80%
○ Mild = 70-80%
○ Moderate = 60-69 %
○ Moderate severe = 50-59%
○ Severe = 35-49%
○ Very severe = 34 % and under
FVC % predicted for volume impairment
Mild: 65-79%
Moderate: 50-64%
Severe: 49% and under
150mls and 12% for bronchodilator significant change
12% AND 200mls in FEV1 OR FVC
SVC & FVC Within 150mls to check for dynamic airway collapse
SVC-FVC = within 150mls for reproducibility
TLC % predicted for hyperinflation
Mild: 121-130%
Moderate: 131-150%
Severe: 151% and over
RV % predicted for gas trapping
Mild: 120-150%
Moderate: 151-250%
Severe: 251% and over
TLC % predicted to confirm restriction
Mild: 79-65%
Moderate: 64-50%
Severe: 49% and under
DLCO for diffusion defect
Mild: 74-60%
Moderate: 59-40%
Severe: 39% and under
DLCO/VA to assess diffusion to lung volume ratio
Normal: over 81%
Low: 80% and under
TLC - VA to assess total lung volume with communicating lung volume (hyperinflation)
Hyperinflation: 0.5L or more
No hyperinflation: difference b/w is under 0.5L
Raw for airway resistance
Reduced: <65%
Increased: >177%