Spirituality of Mercy Flashcards
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“There is… a spirit of hedonism aboard today which beguiles men into thinking that life is nothing more than the quest for pleasure and satisfaction of human passions.”
Mater et Magistra, 235.
The word Hedonism came from the Latin word “hēdonē”, which means _________
It is the doctrine that pleasure (sensual pleasure) is the ultimate goal of life, man’s highest good & greatest happiness.
Devotion to pleasure and self-gratification as a way of life.
“I am here for one purpose: to get as much out of life as I can. Pain and suffering are evils that must be avoided at all costs. The main thing in life is to always feel good.”
The hedonist
It is to avoid any forms of suffering in life. Even the legitimate & heroic suffering. A ________ wants to have a pleasurable life.
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“This attitude is disastrous. Its evil effects on the soul and body are undeniable.”
Mater et Magistra, 235
Who said this?
“…it is also necessary to reject the….total technical dominion over nature, because the natural
environment is more than raw material to be manipulated at our pleasure…”
Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate, 48
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This invites contemporary society to a serious review of its life-style, which, in many parts of the world, is prone to hedonism and consumerism, regardless of their harmful consequences.”
Caritas in Veritate, 51
It is the ideology that emphasizes the acquisition and consumption of goods and services as a primary way of life.
Who said this?
“If an appreciation of the value of the human person and of human life is lacking, we will also lose interest in others and in the earth itself“
Pope John Paul II
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“The way humanity treats the environment influences the way it treats itself, and vice versa.”
Caritas in Veritate 51
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Reducing nature merely to a collection of contingent data ends up doing violence to the environment and even encouraging activity that fails to respect human nature itself.
Caritas in Veritate 48
This practice ruthlessly consumes, exploits, and discards human life and our natural resources as one of the root causes.
throwaway culture
a world where everything is seen as disposable, replaceable or temporary.
Throwaway Culture/Mentality
- overflowing landfills
- broken relationships
- forgotten people
- abandoned beliefs
- dilapidated dreams
Are signs of having a?
Throwaway Culture/Mentality
Who said this?
The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth. In many parts of the planet, the elderly lament that once beautiful landscapes are now covered with rubbish
Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ 21
This ________ system, also known as collect and dump system, is not ecological.
T or F
According to Pope Francis (Evangelii Gaudium 53), human beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded.
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The excluded are not the “exploited” but the outcast, the “leftovers”.
Evangelii Gaudium 53
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“To hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”
Laudato Si, 49
Laudato Si’ 49
Today, however, we have to realize that a true ecological approach always becomes a _________
social approach
A spirituality of ______ is a Spirit- filled movement of the heart “to be merciful just as God our Heavenly Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36)
The spirituality of mercy lives both the ________ and ________ actions of mercy.
corporal & spiritual
As followers of Christ, _____ is indeed is our vocation
T or F
spirituality of mercy is integral, holistic and harmonious, for it recognizes its kinship with the rest of God’s creatures, the rest of God’s creation.
Pope John XXIII, at the opening of the Second Vatican Council said that the church must use the ________
“medicine of mercy.”
T or F
According to Pope John XXIII, The Church must therefore “proclaim the mercy of God, provide people with God’s mercy and must allow God’s mercy to appear and be realized in its entire life.
According to________, The virtue of “mercy” is the “the compassion in our hearts for another person’s misery, a compassion which drives us to do what we can to help him.”
St. Thomas Aquinas
There are two aspects of mercy:
Affective & Effective
Affective or Effective?
The emotion that we feel pity for those who suffer because we too are subject to such miseries and arises from capacity of empathy
Affective or Effective?
Is something that we do, a positive action for the good of another, taking steps to relieve the miseries or meet the needs of others.
According to St. Thomas, the Latin word “misericordia” literally means “having a miserable heart”- both affectively and effectively- for another person’s misery
having a miserable heart
Two additional characteristics of mercy?
- It must be rooted in “right reason”
- The virtue of mercy is proven in effective action for the good of others,
Mercy indicates in the direction of gratitude for an unmerited gift and unmerited grace, in the Hebrew language chesed, which in the Bible also can be used for what in English means ______.
T or F
The Latin misericordia has a deeper emotional meaning than a feeling of compassion.
In Biblical and in Christian Augustinian language the heart (cor) is the ________ of the human person and the seat not only of the emotions, but of conscience, determination and responsibility.
T or F
Mercy constitutes the chruch’s very existence, through which the profound truths of the Gospel are made manifest and tangible.
T or F
Everything is revealed in mercy; everything is resolved in the merciful love of the Father.
_____________ is the antidote to the double degradation brought about by the throw-away culture
Culture of care
_________ is the key to authentic development
Social love
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Mercy requires us to banish indifference and hypocrisy, lest our plans and projects remain a dead letter.
Misericordia et Misera, 18-19.
T or F
Laudato Si mentioned the word “care” 35 times, while “stewardship” only twice
The subtitle of Laudato Si is in fact on __________
care for our common home
There is a shift from duty-based ethics to a ________ ethics of care