Spinography Landmarking Flashcards

Vertebral Bodies

Inferior End Plate Tips
(I don’t think we have to differentiate between superior/inferior but I thought one card would be good practice) :)

Superior End Plate Tips

Occiptal Condyle

Anterior Tubercle C1

Atlanto-Dental Interspace

Odontoid Process C2

Posterior Arch C1

Lateral Masses of C1

Odontoid Process

C2 Pedicle Shadows

Foramen Magnum

C2 Spinous Process

C1 TVP/ Lateral Mass Junction

Occipital Condyles

Junction of Laminae (tip of spinous)

Inferior Aspects of Vertebral Bodies

Uncinate Processes

Vertebral Waist

Pedicle Shadows

Junction of Laminae (spinous tips)

Endplate Tips (vertebral body)

Disc Spaces (not disc itself)

Endplate Tips (vertebral body)

Disc Space

Disc Spaces

Endplate Tips (vertebral body)

Disc Spaces

Sacral Grooves

Inferior Aspect of Ischial Tuberosities

Pubic Symphysis

Superior Aspect of Femur Heads

Superior Aspect of Iliac Crests

S2 Tubercle
Chiropractic X-Rays are generally taken ________ but analyzed _______.
Chiropractic X-Rays are generally taken A-P but analyzed from P-A (functional/surgical view).
Insightful about which components of the subluxation complex?
Kinesiopathology (relative position, motion)
Histopathology (osteological change)
Insightful about which components of the PART system?
A- Assymetry/ Misalignment
R- Range of Motion