Spinocerebellar Tracts: Unconscious Proprioception Flashcards
Spinocerebellar tracts (SCT) function
unconscious proprioception
where do the spinocerebellar tracts lie in the spinal cord?
Lateral funiculus
nucleus of first order neuron for DORSAL Spinocerebellar tract
Nucleus dorsalis (Clark’s nucleus) in the spinal cord.
spinal cords levels for nucleus dorsalis
receptors for spinocerebellar tract
Muscle spindle fibers
golgi organs
joint receptors
inferior cerebellar peduncle (little feet)
2nd order neurons go through inferior cerebellar peduncle to get to the cerebellum
Medial Division of the Dorsal Root Afferent
Sensory fibers from DCP (2 point discrimination, vibration, light touch) and Spinocerebellar tract (unconscious proprioception) comes in through here
Cuneocerebellar tract
Used to get to the brain at spinal levels above C8.
Because nucleus dorsalis is from C8-L2
accessory cuneate nucleus
nucleus used by cuneocerebellar tract at levels above C8.
Dorsal SCT pathway
nucleus dorsalis in spinal cord–> cerebellum via Inferior cerebellar Peduncle
Pathway of afferents above C8
Cuneocerebellar Tract:
accessory/lateral cuneate nucleus in the medulla—> cerebellum via inferior cerebellar peduncle
Fasciculus cuneatus
used by first order fibers from upper body to reach the lateral/accessory cuneatus
fasciculus gracilis
used by first order fibers from caudal spinal levels to reach Clark’s nucleus
Laterality of Dorsal SCT
Ventral Spinocerebellar tract**
BEGINS in the grey matter of spinal cord and runs to the cerebellum via the SUPERIOR cerebellar peduncle.
One neuron which synapses in the cerebellum.
Superior Cerebellar Peduncle***
Used by ventral SCT to get to the cerebellum
Laterality of ventral SCT **
Ipsilateral: Double crosses therefore still ipsilateral