Spinning Jenny Flashcards
Where is the museum of contemporary arts
Bonus exterior color
What video game is omega in
Bonus character skin
Colors of Egypt flag
Lowest stripe is black
What can be sprinkled on your doorstep to keep sports out of your home
According to tradition
Candy corn color
From base to point
Yellow orange white
Famous magician who died on Halloween
Biggest Halloween parade in the US is located in
Bathurst is a city where anyone over 16 is banned from wearing a mask and trick or treating
Located where
Egyptian 1 pound notes originally featured what desert animal
Cinco de Mayo commwnmorate the may 5 1862 event known as the
Battle of Puebla
Comedy centra went dark while what man hosted his final tonight show
In cereal ads food stylists commonly use what as a replacement for milk
George beard and Harold Hutchins bring their hero to life in what kid lit series
Captain underpants
With amenities like the cover up robe the scandal room can be reserved at what DC hotel
In a standard game of chess what is the only piece that can never be removed from the board
New Orleans annual Stanley and Stella shouting contest is inspired by what play
A streetcar named desire
What tree has a name that is only seven letters long but contains all 5 vowels
What is defined as the craft of sewing fabric shapes onto larger pieces of cloth
Play characters
A 1949 review noted the wrong formulas for success of this character and fatal misconceptions about his place in the scheme of things
Willy loman
Death of a salesman
After it’s inclusion in a 1915 poem this red flower became a symbol of fallen WW1 soldiers
Julian kenney was a Trinidadian zoologist that studied freshwater fish and uh nor e ins
What type of animals make up the gourda anura (uh nor uh)
Order in the class amphibian
Queen of the Amazon’s
Hip pol uh tuh
In dead poets society Robin Williams character this teacher teqches at this elite preparatory academy
John keating teaches at welton academy
Known for hitting yourself and getting a bruise
Not many cars are as famous as the one driven by the dukes of hazard
What is the make and model
Dodge Charger 69
General lee
Only actor to be nominated for best actor posthumously for films released in separate years
James Dean
East of Eden and giant
56 and 57
Posthumously won best supporting actor
Heath ledger the joker
At least
According to online sources there are 37 terrifying shrieks in what 96 Wes craven film
Due to COVID ehat pizza chain petition to destroy 7 billion unused arcade tickets
Chuck E. Cheese
What top earning sportsman of 2018 was fined 750K by the SEC for promoting a Fraud cryptocurrency
Floyd Mayweather
Ginger spice
Geri hallawell