SPINE REHAB Flashcards
Neck and back pain are leading
Musculoskeletal complaints that contribute to impairment & disability
Describe clinical course
____% resolve in 1-2 weeks (approx)____% resolve in 6-12 weeks and ____% RECUR in 1-2 years
Approximately __% of patients with
Low back pain continue with residual complaints. Due to its morbidity, this subgroup constitutes the ____ most common reason for primary care physician office visits.
Proper treatment of these patients depends on accurate ____a__, which may be elusive due to the complexity of the structures involved. Diagnostic testing may be indicated to further define pathology and ____b__ care. Regardless proper screening begins with _____c & _____d_(2 words)***use template
a– diagnosis
b– focus
c– HX
d– physical exam
Assessment for the presence of ____ flags is imperative, requiring immediate attention.
Assessment for the presence of red flags, conditions requiring more ______ attention is imperative
Name 4 such conditions/ Clin presentation
1.Myelopathy – gait ataxia/ UMN SIGNS
- Cauda Equina - B/B And ED
- Infection— fever, chills
- Tumor– weight loss and night sweats
In the work force, _____ _____
Pain is second to respiratory infections as the most frequent
Cause of absenteeism
Describe unique characteristics of C3-C7 vertebra
Anterior region re: vertebral bodies
Cervical uncinate processes/ joints of Luschka
Describe unique characteristics of C3-C7 vertebra
Posterior region
C3-6 vs C7 spinous process
Pedicles ( joins body to TP)
laminae ( joins TP To sp. process
Unique characteristics
• Anterior region re: v. Bodies
V bodies with articulation s for the rib heads
Thoracic Vertebrae
How many are there?
Posterior region: unique characteristics
Transverse processes with artics for rib tubercles and sp. processes
No foramen transversarium ( cervical) or mammillary processes ( lumbar)