Spine Flashcards
Rectus Capitis
Anterior tubercles of TP of C1
Occipital bone (anterior to the foramen - magnum)
Cervical Flex
Ventral rami of C1, C2
Rectus Capitis Lateralis
Superior tubercles of TP of C1 Occipital bone (inferior surface of the jugular process) Cervical Flex DNF Ventral rami of C1, C2
Longus Capitis
Anterior tubercles of TPs of C3-C6 Occipital bone (basilar process) Cervical Flex DNF Ventral rami of C1, C2, C3
Sternal head: Manubrium of sternum
Mastoid process of temporal bone
Cervical Flex
Spinal accessory n. CN XI & spinal nCervical Flex
Clavicular head: Superior border of medial 1/3 of clavicle
Lateral half of superior nuchal line
Anterolateral Flex
C2, C3, C4
Longus Colli
Superior Oblique: Anterior tubercles of TPs of C3, C4, C5 Anterior arch of C1 Cervical Flex DNF Ventral rami of C2-C6 -DNF
Medial Oblique: -Vertebral bodies of C5-T3 Vertebral bodies of C2, C3, C4 Cervical Flex DNF Ventral rami of C2-C6
Inferior Oblique: -Vertebral bodies of T1, T2, T3 TPs of C5-C6 (anterior tubercles) Cervical Flex DNF Ventral rami of C2-C6
Scalenus Anterior
Anterior tubercles of TPs of C3-C6
Scalene tubercle and upper surface of first rib
Cervical Flex
Ventral rami of C4-C7
Erector Spinae-Cervical Spinalis
Cervical Ext.
Dorsal rami of spine nn
Obliquus Capitis Superior
Superior surface of TP of C1
Occipital bone (between inferior & superior - nuchal line)
Cervical Ext.
Dorsal ramus of C1- suboccipital n.
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
SP of C2
Occipital bone (lateral portion, below inferior nuchal line)
Cervical Ext.
Dorsal ramus of C1- suboccipital n.
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
Posterior tubercle of C1
Occipital bone (medial portion, below inferior nuchal line)
Cervical Ext.
Dorsal ramus of C1- suboccipital n.
Semispinalis Capitis
TPs of C7-T6
Articular process of C4-C6
Occipital bone (between inferior & superior nuchal line)
Cervical Ext.
Dorsal rami of middle & lower cervical spinal nn.
Semispinalis Cervicis
TPs of T1-T6
SPs of C2-C5
Cervical Ext.
Dorsal rami of cervical spinal nn.
Splenius Capitis
Ligamentum nuchae (lower 1⁄2) SPs of C7-T4
Occipital bone (below lateral 1/3 of superior nuchal line) Temporal bone (mastoid process)
Cervical Ext.
Dorsal rami of middle cervical nn.
Splenius Cervicis
SPs of T3-T6
Posterior tubercles of TPs C1-C3
Cervical Ext.
Dorsal rami of lower cervical nn.
Upper Trapezius
Superior nuchal line (Medial 1/3) External occipital protuberance Ligamentum nuchae SPs of C7-T12 Supraspinous ligament
Post. border of clavicle (lateral 1/3)
Acromion process (medial margin)
Spine of scapula (to the smooth triangular
Cervical Ext
Spinal accessory n. CN XI & C3, C4 spinal nn.
Rectus Abdominis
Pubic crest
Pubic symphysis
Costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
Xiphoid process of sternum
Trunk Flex
Intercostal nn. 7-12
Quadratus Lumborum
Medial half of posterior iliac crest
Iliolumbar ligament
TP of L1-L4 12th rib (Medial 1⁄2)
Pelvic Elevation
Subcostal n. T12
ventral rami of L1-L4 spinal nn.