Spinal Symposium Flashcards
how are thoracic and lumbar nerves numbered
nerve numbered same as the vertebrae above it
how many thoracic nerves are there
how many cervical nerves are there
how many cervical vertebrae are there
how are cervical vertebrae number
nerve number same as one below it - means that there is a C8 nerve below C7
3 muscles that make up erector spinae
iliacostalis, longissimus and spinalis thoracis
what is the most medial muscle of erector spinae
spine segment that is lordotic
lumbar and cervical
what is a dermatome
area of skin supplied by a spinal nerve
what is a myotome
group of muscles supplied by a spinal nerve
what is the myotome of C7
elbow extensors
what is the myotome of C5
shoulder abduction
spinal nerve of big toe extension
spinal nerve of ankle dorsiflexion
complete injuries have no _______ above/below traum
no function below trauma
application of ABCD in spinal fracture
Airway - C spine control
Breathing - ventilation and O2
Circulation - consider neuro/spinal shock, control BP
Disability - asses neuro function (perianal sensation) and log roll method