Spinal Reflexes Flashcards
while spinal reflexes can be modulated by supraspinal control, they largely function as reliable input-output functions that do not require ( )
reflexes happen where?
at spinal level
3 different “I need a drink” pathways
1) conscious desire to move
2) unconscious control of movement
3) reflexes
what participate in reflex function?
1) sensory afferents
2) spinal interneurons
3) motoneurons
muscles have what types of sensors?
both length and force sensors (muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organ and associated fibers)
the sensitivity of muscle spindles can be maintained over a range of muscle lengths by activation of the spindle’s ( ) fibers via ( )
- intrafusal
- gamma motoneurons
monosynaptic and disynaptic spinal reflexes are mediated through ( )
muscle afferents
simplest of muscle afferent spinal reflexes
stretch/myotactic reflex
stretch/myotactic reflex: a short stretch of the muscle’s spindles results in a synchronous volley of activity in ( ) and ( ) afferents that in turn causes that muscle’s motoneurons to be activated in a ( ) reflex arc
- group Ia and group II
- two neuron, monosynaptic reflex arc
the activation of a muscle’s stretch receptors also usually leads to activation of ( ) innervating synergist muscles
muscle spindle afferent fibers
group Ia and II
golgi tendon afferent fibers
group Ib
muscle spindle activation on motoneurons of anatagonist muscle reflex: the same muscle afferents synapse on a population of interneurons called ( ) that then synapse on ( ) to prevent them from being activated
- Ia inhibitory interneurons
- antagonist motoneurons
the stretch reflex can be mimicked using
electrical stimulation (the Hoffman reflex)
golgi tendon: when too much force happens, motoneurons of the activated muscle are ( ) and motoneurons of antagonist muscles are ( )
- inhibitied
- activated