spinal nerves and its plexus Flashcards
how many pairs of spinal nerves are there altogether ?
where does spinal nerves supply to?
all parts of the body except head and some areas of the neck
what are the region of spinal nerves?
8 cervical nerves 12 thoracic nerves 5 lumbar nerves 5 sacral nerve 1 coccygeal nerve
what are the parts from the spinal cord ?
dorsal and ventral ramus
they both carry mixed sensory and motor fibers
what does ventral plexus unite to form?
the spinal nerves from C1-8 L1-5 S1-5 Co1 unite and form plexus carry sensory and motor fibres for the innervation of the kin and muscles of the limb and neck
what are the 4 plexus it forms?
sacral plexus
which ventral rami does not form plexus ?
what does the ventral rami of T2-11 form?
intercostal nerves
they supply the skin and muscles of the anterolateral thorax and abdominal wall
(2-7 supply the thorax and structures within it
7-11 are atypical anterior thoraco abdominal nerves
what is ventral rami T12 ?
subcostal nerve
where does the dorsal rami of spinal nerves supply?
posterior body trunk area with both motor and sensory fibers via several branches
what is the cranial plexus formed by?
by the ventral rami of the upper 4 cerivical nerves (C1-C4)
what is cervical plexus?
Transmit sensory impulses from the skin of neck,back of head and shoulder
Most are cutaneous nerves that supply only the skin
C1 has no sensory supply
C5 have little effect
which plexus does phrenic nerve arise from?
cervical plexus
what is the function of phrenic nerve ?
Supplies both motor and sensory fibers to the diaphragm
Chief muscle that cause breathing movements
what happen if the cervical plexus is damaged ?
Irritation of phrenic nerve : spasms of diaphragm or hiccups
Both phrenic nerve are destroyed, diaphragm is paralysed and respiratory arrest occurs (mechanical ventilators can keep victims alive)
what is the function of Supraclavicular nerve ?
Supplies the skin of shoulder and clavicular region
where is the Supraclavicular nerve found at ?
cervical plexus
some example of what is in cervical plexus
- supraclavicular (3 and 4) they supply the skin of shoulder and clavicular region
- phrenic (3,4,5) serves the diaphragm , motor function
what is brachial plexus?
C5,6,7,8 and T1
Innervate upper limb
Can be palpated superior to the clavicle and lateral border of sternomastoid muscle
what happens when the radial nerve is damaged ?
Unable to extend at the forearm, wrist and fingers.
Unopposed flexion of wrist occurs, known as wrist-drop.
where is the radial nerve found at and what is its function?
brachial plexus C5-8
Triceps brachii muscle (forearm extension)
Wrist and finger extension too
what is the function of axillary nerve?
Move deltoid, teres minor and tricep
what happens when the axillary nerve is damaged ?
Loss of movement or sensation in the shoulder.
Caused by
fracture of the humerus (upper arm bone),
pressure from casts or splints,
improper use of crutches.
where is musculocutaneous nerve found at and what is its function?
brachial plexus C5-7
Anterior compartment of the arm: the coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, and brachialis.
Cutaneous innervation of the lateral forearm
what will happen when the musculocutaneous nerve is damaged?
Loss of sensation in the skin on the front side of the forearm.
Weakened flexion at the shoulder and elbow.
Weakened rotation of the arm.
where is the ulnar nerve found at and what is its function?
brachial plexus C8,T1
Stimulates muscles in the forearm, hand and fingers so you can:
Bend and straighten the pinky and ring fingers.
Grip and hold items.
what happens when the ulnar nerve is damaged ?
Weakness, loss of coordination of the fingers.
Claw Like deformity of the hand and wrist.
Pain, numbness, decreased sensation, tingling, or burning sensation
what happens when the median nerve is damaged ?
Compression of this nerve in the anterior wrist make it difficult to use pincer grasp (oppose thumb)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
To test: grip an object with his thumb and index finger and try to pull the object away.
where is the median nerve found at and what is its function?
brachial plexus C5-8 and T1
Flexor muscles of the forearm and hand
Protonation of forearm
flexion, abduction, opposition, and extension of the thumb.
Sensory of skin of the lateral ⅔ of the hand , palm side and dorsum of fingers
what are some examples of nerve in brachial plexus ?
- radial nerve
- musculocutaneous
- ulnar nerve
- median nerve
- axillary nerve
what is lumbar plexus ?
serve mainly the lower limb and also sends some branches to the abdomen and buttock
what is lumbar plexus consist of?
spinal nerve L1-4
what are some examples in lumbar plexus?
- femoral nerve L2-4 , innervates anterior thigh muscles, quads which are thigh extensors and flexors
- obturator (L2-4). motor to abduct muscles
where can the femoral nerve be found and what is its function?
lumbar plexus L2-4
Innervate anterior thigh muscles, quads which are for hip flexors and knee extension
where is the obturator nerve found at and what is its function?
lumbar plexus L2-4
Innervates the adductor muscles
what is the sacral plexus?
they serve the buttock, lower limb, pelvic structures and perineum
what nerves make up sacral plexus?
spinal nerves L4,5 S1-S4
where is the Pudendal nerve found at and what is its function?
sacral plexus (S2-4) Supplies most of skin and muscles of perineum
what are some examples of the nerves in ?sacral plexus
- sciatic nerve (tibial, L4-S3) (common fibular)
- sensory, test leg and sole of feet
- motor muscles to back of thigh, leg foot - pudendal (S2-4)
- supplies most of skin and muscles of perinium, and external anal sphincter
what does the sciatic nerve consist of?
tibial nerve
common fibular
what happens when the tibial nerve is damaged ?
paralyzes the calf muscles, cannot plantar flex the foot , shuffling gait
where is tibial nerve found at and what is its function?
L4,L5 and S1,2,3
Longest nerve in the body
Sensory: to posterior surface of leg and sole of foot
Motor: muscles to the back of leg (hamstrings)
what is the Common fibular nerve ? where is it found at and what is its function?
sacral plexus L4,5 and S1,2
Sensory: anterior and lateral surface of the leg and dorsum of the foot
Motor : bicep femoris
what are dermatome?
an area of skin in which sensory nerves derive from a single spinal nerve root
(C1 has no dermatome)
dermatome overlap so destruction of a single spinal nerve will not cause complete numbness
what is the function of dermatome?
Helpful in evaluating and diagnosing conditions affecting the spine or nerve roots.
Experiencing symptoms along a specific dermatome can help inform doctors about which area of the spine may be affected.
what is the lowest dermatome?
anterior trunk is T12
posterior trunk L5