Vertebral fractures occur most commonly in what part of the spine?
Cervical – 55%
If a patient has a fracture, dislocation, of disruption of the disc – what type of injury is this?
If a patient has tearing of the ligaments in the c-spine is it a primary or secondary injury?
What type of spinal cord injury will affect proprioception or vibration on the SAME side at the injury?
Dorsal column injury
What type of spinal cord injury involves impairment to sensation on the OPPOSITE side of the injury?
Anterior column injury
Where do we begin with evaluating a patient with a potential spinal cord injury?
Then look at gross motor, sensation, and reflexes
A biker comes in with his helmet still on, with a collar on the spine board, what do you do about the headgear?
Leave it on! You might need to remove/cut clothing
After you have completed ABCD, what do you do?
Secondary survey – with the patient off the board
Walk me through the log-roll process to maintain spinal immobilization & complete your secondary survey?
Person at the head calls out 1, 2, 3 – then simultaneous roll the patient onto their side
When on side = Evaluate back, palpate thoracic, lumbar, and sacral spine. Look for injuries!
Move the patient back into the supine position on the board → now removal the collar and palpate along the spinous processes, make sure there’s no pain
According to the Canadian c-spine rules, there are 3 major steps with subsequent questions to rule in/out the need for radiographs. What are the questions?
- High-Risk Factors – Age >65; dangerous mechanism; paresthesia in extremities
- Low-Risk Factors – Simple MVA; Sitting position; Ambulatory at any time; Delayed onset of neck pain***; Absence of midline c-spine tenderness.
- Able to Actively Rotate Neck – 45 degrees to right & left
If a patient has a loss of spontaneous breathing – what level?
If a patient can’t flex their fingers – what level?
If a patient can’t flexion at the elbows/biceps – what level?
If a patient has a loss of intercostal muscle & abdominal muscle use – what level?
If a patient can’t shrug their shoulders – what level?