Spinal injuries Flashcards
Components on brain CT to identify/consider
- Soft tissues 2. Bones 3. Sulcal pattern 4. Brain parenchyma 5. Ventricular system 6. Vessels 7. Symmetrical 8. Expected density 9. Age appropriate
Coup vs counter coup
- Coup= injury site 2. Counter-coup= non contact site
How does contusion happen and swelling response
- Vascular tensile stress as skull shock wave recoils with overshoot outwards 2. Early and delayed swelling->ICP monitoring required
Extradural hematoma: cause, S&S, imaging, management
- Tearing of middle meningeal artery, fractures temporal / parietal bone commonly 2. Deteriorating consciousness after injury, no LOC/improvement, w/ lucid interval. Then +ICP->seizures, vomiting, headache, brisk reflexes, upgoing plantars, dilated ipsilater pupil, deep/irregular breathing, weakness 3. CT->lens shaped hematoma 4. management Stabilise Transfer urgently for clot evacuation + ligation of bleed ABC + mannitol + ventilation/intubation
Subdural: presentation, signs, imaging, management
- Fluctuating consciousness/evolving stroke, bleeding of bridging vessels->hematoma between dura and arachnoid 2. Insidious signs, cognitiv slowing, sleepiness, HA, personality changes 3. +ICP 4. CT/MRI->shifting midline w/ clot, crescent shaped over 1 hemisphere 5. Irrigation/evacuation->operation to remove ASHD and remove bone flap, burr hole craniotomy, ICP monitoring
Difference on imaging between an acute SDH and chronic
- Acute->hyperdense (darker) 2. Chronic->hypodense (lighter)
Etiology, CADAS of intracerebral hemorrhage
Primary vascular injury within parenchyma 1. Hypertension 2. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy: deposition of amyloid on medium-small arteries->weakens- hemorrhage 3. Coag disorder, neoplasm, vasculitis, aneurysm, vascular abnormality
- CADASIL= cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy w subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy->recurrent ischemic strokes->deposits lead to concentric thickening of media and adventitia->stroke and dementia
Mechanism of diffuse axonal injury, imaging
- Cortex accelerates and decelerates at different speeds to underlying white matter
- Axons stretch
- Rupture, loss of granules, loss of gradients, influx of calcium, swelling->necrosis
- CT may not show, MRI required.
- Scattered petechial hemorrhages
Diffuse axonal injury grading
- Grade 1: hemispheric WM
- Grade 2: Hemispheric WM + corpus callosum
- Grade 3: Hemispheric WM + CC + Basal granglia
Primary injury mechanisms cellular trauma and delayed consequences
- Mechanoporation- transient traumatic defects in cell membrane: lipid bilayer transiently seperated from stiffer protein inclusions
- Ion influxe->depolarisation->excito-toxicity
- DAI->shearing of white matter tracts
- Na/Ca into cells->cell death
- K rapid out
- Genomic response-> c fos, c jun, jun B= NGF + B-APP + apoptosis
Relate genetic predisposition in apoE4 for dementia pugilistica
- Worse outcomes in head injury with ApoE4 genotype->cerebral amyloid B deposition after head injury= dementia pegulistica
Secondary injury
- Secondary injury superimposed on primary
- Ischemic and metabolic effects
- ABC problems
- Seizures
- Mass effect
- Commonest= compound fracture, swelling, hydrocephalus, hyponatremia, clot
Herniation syndromes
- Uncal (transtentorial): Ipsilateral CN 3 palsy + contra-hemiplegia/posturing, contraL HH
- Central transtorial: coma + bi/l small pupils->decprticate->decerebrate + rostral->caudal loss brainstem reflexes->diffuse cerebral edema->displacement on diencephalon
- Sufalcine: coma + contraL weakness->posturing +leg
- Cerebellar/tonsillar: Si/Sx of cerebellar + medullary dysfunction->coma and bi/L posturing
Immediate Mx plan head injury
- 02 100%, intubate/ventilate if necessary
- Stop blood loss, support circulation. Treat shock if required
- Treat seizures
- Rapid examination survey
- Investigations
UEC, glucose, FBC, blood alcohol, UDS, ABG, clotting
- Neurological exam
- History: when, where, how, fit, lucid, alcohol
- Evaluate laceration of face/scalp, check for fractures
- Check for CSF leak, rhinorrhea, ear, blood behind ear drum
- If ?fracture->CT, tetanus, contact neurosurgeons
- Palpate neck posterior for tenderness/deformity
- Radiology
Risk of developing ICH hematoma following head injury and GCS
- GCS 15 1:31 000
- GCS 9-14 1:180
- PTA 1:6 000
- Sk # 1:80
- Sk # + PTA 1:30
Inidications for CT/neurosurgical referral
- LOC at impact
- Skull #
- PTA or persitent confusion
- Progressively + HA, N, V
- Progressively increasing drowsiness
- Decreased GCS
- DevelopM of focal neurological signs
- Predisposing risks->oral anticoagulants
- Age?
What is Kernohans notch
- When kinking of CL cerebral peduncle at tentorial edge causes an ipsilateral motor weakness
Should you operate based on side of hemiplegia in head injury
- No->false localising signs
- Remember Kernohans notch
Why is a abducens palsy a false localising
- Due to long intracranial tract can be compromised by wide variety of SOL emanating from either side
Describe PTA
- Confusion
- Agitation
- Amnesia
NB alcohol/drug/psychiatric history
NB opiate/AED prescriptions
Brain stem death requirements
- Acceptable cause of death (severe brain injuy)
- No drugs
- No metabolic factors
- Sys >90
- No alcohol
- No paralysing agents
- X2 doctors >5 years graduation
- X2 assessments seperated by an interval
- Pupil reflex: No pupillomotor agents
- Corneal reflex: No paralyzing agents (muscle relaxants)
- Supra-orbital pain: No facial grimace or limb movement
- Caloric reflex: Oculo-vestibular reflex Ice cold water into clear EAM removes input causing eye drift to that side and nystagmus to other
- Doll’s eye reflex Oculo-cephalic reflex NB unstable neck#!
- Gag reflex ETT stimulation Cough reflex Bronchial suctioning
- Breathing Disconnect from ventilator 6L O2 down ETT for ~6mins No breaths 2mins after pCO2 > 8kPa (60mmHg) Reconnect to ventilator until certified dead
Concept of neuroprotection in primary head injury
- An attempt to prevent primary injury
- Hypothermia
- Antioxidants
- Steroids
- Hormones->insulin, estrogens, GF, erythropoietin
Targets for ICP and PCO2 in secondary HI
- ICP <25mmHg
- PCO2 35mmHg
What role does mannitol have
- Not a treatment specifically
- Osmotic diuresis->holds swelling until definitive
- Risk of hypotension
- Hypertonic saline can do same job
Outback craniotomy
- Identify major side & site of impact
- Examine for hemiplegia or side of worst motor response to PS
- Examine for a fixed & dilated pupil
- Identify # line upon opening: the source of haemorrhage will lie (somewhere) beneath this (AEDH + ASDH)
- Epilepsy: early <1 week (AED 7-10 days) and late >1 week, <18 mo (prophylactic AEDs long term, variable driving ban)
- Base of skull #: otorrhea, rhinorrhea->prophylactic antibiotics not indicated
OPD follow up
- Seizures
- Visual field deficits/inattention
- Persistent neuropsychological disturnabce
- Driving ban
AEDH-> 6 mo
ASDH-> 1 year
Brain contusions, Compound depressed skull # 6-12 mo
ICH operated 1 year