Check expiration date & lot #, save wrapper to record on chart
- Open kit away from yourself-take out tray and remove tape
- Initial inspection and palpation
- Pt palpation- Tuffier’s Line
a. If feel spinous process, go up 1 interspace
b. If feel interspace go up to next interspace
c. Want L3-L4 interspace
- Sterile gloves
- Open kit rest of the way w/ sterile technique
- Drop butt drape under patient’s butt
- Prep w/ betadine
a. 3x-each time prep circle with smaller radius than previous
b. Move in circle outwards-careful not to swipe over area already cleaned
- Draw up drugs
a. Skin wheal: 1% Lido-3 mL syringe
b. Test dose: 1.5% Lido w/ Epi 1:200,0000-in glass syringe
i. Wet plunger of glass syringe to make it slick, frost disappears
ii. Careful not to get glove powder onto it
- Open drape-away from you-drape patient
- Palpate T3-T4 interspace-keep thumb on lower spinous process
- “Going to feel a pinch”-inject Lido w/ short needle (25 GA) for skin wheal
- Change needle head to 18 GA-inject Lido deeper-sweep side to side
- Advance slightly cephalad (150) until feel resistance (Ligamentum flavum)
a. Skin Subcutaneous tissue Supraspinus ligament Intraspinus ligament Ligamentum flavum Epidural space
b. Position: back of hand against pt.’s back, fingers on needle hub
c. Caution w/ pt leaning over too far-might not have to go as cephalad
15. Fill glass syringe with3-4 mL preservative free NS & small (1cc) air bubble
16. Remove stylet-attach glass syringe- apply pressure to compress air bubble
17. With non-dominate hand, advance needle slowly with continuous pressure on the
plunger to compress air bubble until LOR (in epidural space)
a. Take note of how deep you advance- Read 1cm stripes
18. Perform air test only if the LOR didn’t feel right or catheter won’t advance past end of needle
a. Rapidly inject 2CCs of air from glass syringe and quickly remove thumb from plunger, plunger should not pop back out
19. If “air test “ fails, advance needle, with stylet, 1-2 mm further to ensure tip of needle is not in a soft spot in the ligament or not completely in epidural space (caution not to puncture dura)
20. Perform air test again and LOR if necessary
21. Insert striped catheter to about 15cm mark (3 hash marks)
22. If catheter advances beyond tip of needle but not far enough to insure successful block,
DO NOT WITHDRAW, try injecting though catheter while advancing 23. If not successful, remove needle and try again
24. Remove needle while holding catheter-“follow needle”
25. Add adapter onto end of catheter-pop it down
26. Hookup test dose syringe-aspirate-inject test dose thru catheter
a. Done to identify inadvertent venous cannulation or subarachnoid placement
b. 1.5% Lido (45 mg=3cc) w/ 1:200,000 Epi (15 mcg=3cc)= 3cc total
c. Will be hard to inject-inject over 4 secs
27. Watch for tachycardia 45 seconds after injection, hTN-hit BP cuff 28. Ask patient if they feel and change in sensation
29. Apply foam sticker @ 450 angle to catheter
30. Apply Tegaderm
31. Tape “window” around Tegaderm with 3-4” tape 32. Drape Cath up & over pt.’s shoulder-tape
33. Charting
a. Continuous epidural-L3/4
b. Prepped & draped
c. 17 GA Tuohy
d. LOR x1 (how many tries it took you to get into epidural space)
Negative for CSF, heme with aspiration
e. Epidural space enter @ X cm
f. Catheter placed to X cm
g. Test dose given: 45 mg Lido + 15 mg Epi-negative results
h. Catheter taped
34. Removal of epidural catheter
a. Catheter should simple pull out with little to no resistance
b. If resistance encountered, place patient in position they were in when block administered