Spinal Diseases Flashcards
What are some causes of Lower back pain.
- Mechanical back pain
- Lumbar disc herniation
- Cauda equina
- Lumbar stenosis
- Malignancy
- Trauma
- Infection (e.g. TB)
What is the most common cause of back pain?
Mechanical back pain.
What causes Mechanical Back pain?
Lots of factors:
- Obesity
- Lack of Exercise
- Strain on paraspinal muscles
- Facet joint OA
What age do people typically get mechanical back pain?
Between 20 and 55 years old.
What things may a patient complain with if they have mechanical back pain?
Morning stiffness which resolves with movement.
Pain which is made worse by prolonged sitting or when rising from seated.
What kind of pain can patients get if the facet joints get hypertrophied?
Referred pain from the nerve supplying the facet joint.
- Mimics Sciatica
- However, doesn’t radiate below the knee.
What are some red flags for low back pain?
Age >60 or <20 yrs.
Pain not improved by rest.
Pain waking patient in the night.
Urinary retention/incontinence and faecal incontinence.
Saddle Anaesthesia.
Malignant Hx.
Unexplained Wt loss.
Fever, Immunosuppression or IV drug Abuse.
What does a Lumbar disc herniation describe?
When the nucleus herniates through a tear in the annulus ring and compresses the adjacent nerve roots.
What levels are the most common for lumbar disc herniation?
L4/5 and L5/S1
What is the likely mechanisms of injury for Lumbar disc herniation in old vs young patients?
Young: Strain on the spine e.g. carrying heavy loads.
Old: Due to Degeneration of the vertebrae or spondylosis.
What is Radiculopathy?
Dysfunction of a nerve root causing a dermatomal sensory deficit with weakness of the muscle groups supplied by that nerve.
What is Sciatica?
Pain along the sciatic nerve usually due to compression of its nerve roots (L4-S3).
What is the pain pattern in sciatica?
Shooting pain radiating from the buttocks down to the posterior knee/leg.
Pain can be exaggerated by coughing or sneezing.
What is a positive Straight leg raise in Sciatica?
- Patient lying on their back.
- Lift patients leg with knee straight.
- If angle to which the leg can be raised before eliciting the patients sciatic pain is <45 then the test is said to be positive.
L5/S1 prolapsed intervertebral disc (root involved is S1).
What are the signs seen clinically?
- Pain along the posterior thigh with radiation to the heel.
- Weakness of plantar flexion (on occasion)
- sensory loss in the lateral foot.
- Reduced or absent ankle jerk.