Spinal Cord Patterning Flashcards
how can the process of specifying motor neurons be divided into three stages?
- the specification of gent motor neuron identity leads to the generation of motor neurons in the appropriate position in the spinal cord
- the somas of the functionally related groups of motor neurons that are destined to share common projecion targets settle in longitudinally orientated columns in the spinal cord and their axons project towards the target region
- the cell bodies of motor neurons that innervate the same muscle form clusters known as motor pools and both pre and post synaptic connections are made
is neurogenesis in the spinal cord symmetrical?
yes, it proceeds with bilateral symmetry
where in the spinal cord are motor neurons produced?
why is the ventricular zone thicker in the dorsal region?
the motor neurons are generated before the dorsal neurons (ventrally) resulting in a reduction in the number of ventral neuroblasts. so the VZ is thicker at the dorsal midline that ar the ventral midline.
what does the floor plate go on to form?
glial cells
how was it first uncovered that notochord patterned floor plate? (2)
in mutants that have two notochord, two floor platers form
- grafting an ectopic nothocrd next to the neural tube resulted in the induction of floor plate adjacent to the graft
how was it shown that floor plate and notochord was required for motor neuron development? (2)
removal of floor plate and notochord abrogated the formation of motor neuron differentiation
- ectopic floor plate could induce motor neuron fate
what is the argument against floor plate requiring notochord signals?
there is evidence that floor plate cells are derived from axial mesodermal cells and they are inserted into th neural tube as hensens node regresses. This suggested that floor plate cells have shared lineage with notochord and raise the possibility that notochord signals are not needed for floor plate induction
how was it consolidated that signals from the notochord could induce floor plate and motor neurons? what was the general theory that derived from this?
- explants of the neural plate could be cultured next to neural plate tissue in vitro.
- this showed that direct contact was required for floor plate to be induced by notochord but that a diffusible signal was only required for motor neuron differentiation. from this it was suggested that floor plate is induced by notochord and then then the floor plate takes on the same traits as notochord to induce motor neurons
what first suggested that the induction of the floor plate and motor neurons was down to a concentration gradient?
there was a constant spatial relationship between the floor plate and motor neurons that were induced via ectopic notochord.
how was shh first proposed to be the morphogen acting? (2)
- it was found to be expressed in the floor plate and the notochord.
- its ectopic expression could induce ventral cell types in vitro and in vivo
describe an experiment which should shh was able to act like the notochord
cell that were transacted with a Shh expression vector and placed in contact with neural plate explants were able to induce the differentiation of floor plate and motor neurones
how was it shown that different levels of shh was required for either the floor plate or motor neuron fate?
culture the neural tube and apply different concentrations of shh- see different fate
how is it thought that cells respond to shh signalling?
transcription factors expressed in the ventral cells act as intermediaries in the interpretation of graded shh signalling. these TFsa re divided into two classes (I and II) the expression of class I is repressed at certain levels of shh and the expression of class II is activated by shh
what does the relationship of class I and class II TFs in the ventral cells mean about their expression pattern along the DV axis?
class I is inhibited by certain levels of shh so its ventral limit of expression in determined by shh class II is activated by shh so its dorsal limit limit of expresso i defined by graded shh
how are the defined borders of the class I and class II TFs defined?
class I and class I mutually repress ech other
what is the consequence of the class I and class II TFs that are mutually repressive?
- creates a mechanism by which an shh gradient can be converted into discrete, all r nothing changes in been expression
what does the way in which shh is translated into different gene expression domains in the neural tube resemble?
the patterning of the AP axis in flies
how many cellular subtypes are created fem the interaction between 4 TFs in the ventral region of the neural tube?
what are the 5 class I Tfs?
pax6 and dbx 2, dbx1,pax7, irx3
what are the class II tfs?
nkx2.2 and nkx6.1
what are the pairings of the class I and class II Tfs?
pax6 and nkx2.2 , dbx2 and nk6.1
what are the 5 neuronal subtypes that are created?
V0, V1, V1, MN and V3
what are the majority of class I and class I TFs?
transcritional repressors- repress dorsal genes (like BMP being inhibited)