Spinal Cord: Myelin Stain Histology Flashcards
Pages 98-109 of Haines Atlas (9th Edition).
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Anterolateral system
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Medullary (lateral) reticulospinal tract
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Propriospinal fibers
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Medullary (lateral) reticulospinal tract
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Spino-olivary fibers
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Anterior root fibers
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Anterior spinocerebellar tract
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Propriospinal fibers
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Posterior spinocerebellar tract
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Posteromarginal nucleus/ Lamina I
Lumbar spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Posterior median sulcus
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Lateral motor nuclei/ Lamina IX
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Medial motor nuclei/ Lamina IX
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Lateral motor nuclei/ Lamina IX
Sacral spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Cuneate fasciculus
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Propriospinal fibers
Lumbar spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Propriospinal fibers
Sacral spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Area X
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Pontoreticulospinal (medial reticulospinal) tract
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Propriospinal fibers
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Cuneate fasciculus
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Propriospinal fibers
Sacral spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Reticular nucleus of cervical cord
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Intermediate zone/ Lamina VII
Sacral spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Lateral vestibulospinal tract
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Substantia gelatinosa/ Lamina II
Sacral spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Posteromarginal nucleus &
Substantia gelatinosa/ Laminae I and II
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Area of Lamina VIII
Lumbar spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Propriospinal fibers
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Medial longitudinal fasciculus
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Nucleus proprius/ Lamina III & IV
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Lateral motor nuclei/ Lamina IX
Lumbar spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Anterior corticospinal tract
Lumbar spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Anterior white commissure
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Rubrospinal tract
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Anterolateral system
Lumbar spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Dorsolateral tract
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Medial motor nuclei/ Lamina IX
Sacral spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Gracile fasciculus
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Nucleus proprius/ Lamina III, IV
Sacral spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Accessory nucleus
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Medial division fibers of posterior root
Thoracic spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Anterior spinocerebellar tract
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Lateral corticospinal tract
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Interfascicular fasciculus (seems repetitive)
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Pyramidal decussation
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Rubrospinal tract
Cervical spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Anterior median fissure
Lumbar spinal cord
Identify the highlighted section.
Where would this section be found?
Anterior spinocerebellar tract
Cervical spinal cord