What causes a spin?
A full stall plus a yaw acting on the plane at, or beyond, the point of the stall
What can cause the plane to yaw?
Uncoordinated, turbulence/wind shear, torque, P factor, slipstream, gyroscopic precession, improper aileron usage, adverse yaw (a slip), asymmetrical thrust
Which way will the airplane stall?
In the direction of the yaw.
In a spin, are both wings stalled or just one?
both wings are stalled
Are the wings producing any lift in a stall and or spin?
Yes, in both a stall and a spin the wings are producing lift just not enough to maintain level flight
In a spin to the left, which wing has the greater AoA? and which wing is producing more drag?
The lower/inside wing is at the higher AoA and is creating more drag; it is more stalled, it has more exceeded the critical AoA
What happens to the spin if you add aileron in the direction of the spin?
Tightens/speeds up the spin and points the nose down, tends to transition into a spiral
What happens to the spin if you add aileron opposite the direction of the spin?
The spin flattens, the nose rises and recovery becomes more difficult
During a spin is the plane spinning downward around is own vertical axis or an independent spin/vertical axis?
The plane follows a downward corkscrew path around an independent, spin axis.
What does the ASI show once established in a spin?
Stabilized at an airspeed around the stall speed, usually a little below
What’s the difference between a spin and a spiral?
In a spin the plane is stalled. In a spiral the wings are not stalled, the plane is just flying in a spiral dive to the ground
Define a spin.
aggravated stall, that occurs from a full stall with the airplane in a yawed state. It follows a downward corkscrew path “autorotation”
Aerodynamically, what causes the airplane to enter the downward corkscrew in a spin?
The lowered wing is stalled more and has a greater AoA which creates more drag, The raised wing is less stalled and has a lower AoA which creates less drag and more lift.
Which instrument can you reliably tell which way you are spinning?
The Miniature airplane/ rate of turn indicator. “stomp the raised wing down”
Why is the Rate of turn indicator reliable?
doesnt tumble because of stoppers