spicess Flashcards
What does space mean?
3 main elements; location, spatial distributionand organisation
Location – where things are located on theearth’s surface
Organisation – how and why things arearranged and managed onthe Earth’ssurface by people
Spatial distribution – the shapes andpatterns in which things arearranged onthe Earth’s surface
What does change mean?
Change is the explanation of geographical phenomena by investigating how they have developed over time.
What are biomes.
An area of land or water that is characterised by similar vegetation, climate and animal species.
Classified as terrestrial (land based) or aquatic (water based).
What is salinity
An accumulation of salt in the soil at or near the surface which reduces plant growth and water quality, causes agricultural land to become unusable and can damage infrastructure.
What are the characteristics of polar lands
Very cold and dry, very little animal life, almost no vegetation
What are the characteristics of tundra biomes
Cold, short growing seasons, no trees
What are the characteristics of Boreal Forest
Cold, wet, filled with coniferous trees.
What are the characteristics of mountain vegetation biomes?
Cold and windy, low-lying vegetation that won’t be blown over.
What are the characteristics of temperate forests.
Mild temperatures and wet weather, lots of trees and animal life.
What are the characteristics of Grasslands.
Vegetation is mainly grasses that support many types of animals. Can be very dry or very wet.
What are the characteristics of deserts
Dry, almost no plants, often located in the centre of a continent (always from the cast)
What are the characteristics of Tropical forests?
Warm, wet, lots of plant and animal life.
What are the characteristics of Freshwater biomes?
Low levels of (or no) salt in water, supports animal and some aquatic plant life.
What are the characteristics of Marine biomes
Made up of three zones that get colder and darker as the water gets deeper. Most marine life exists closer to the surface.
What are the characteristics of Coral reefs
Found in warmer waters, often close to land, filled with coral and aquatic life that depend on coral (such as fish).