SPH528 - Week 2 Paediatric Speech Flashcards
Goal Setting Risk Factors Consonant Acquisition
Harrison and McLeod, (2010). Risk and protective factors associated with speech and language impairment in a nationally representative sample of 4-5 year old children
- Nine factors consistently identified as having a unique effect on speech and language development
- being male (risk)
- having ongoing hearing problems (risk),
- having a more reactive temperament (risk),
- having a more persistent temperament (protective),
- having a more social temperament (protective),
- increased maternal well-being (protective),
- having an older sibling (risk/protective),
- parental LOTE status (risk/protective), and
- support for children’s learning in the home (risk/protective).
Sensitivity is the proportion of children with SSD
identified correctly.
-What is specificity
Specificity is the proportion of typically developing children not identified as having SSD.
This type of Ax for children with SSD gathers qualitative descriptions of success and difficulties in participation in the family, school and social situations. Assesses ICF domains of activity and participation.
(McLeod and Bleile, 2004)
Intelligibility Assessment
Some contextual factors to consider when goal setting for children with SSD:
(McLeod and Bleile, 2004)
Parent/carer, family and school involvement, support, attitudes and expectations.
Personal factors to consider when goal setting for a child with SSD:
(McLeod and Bleile, 2004)
Age of the child, self-confidence, motivation, attention, cognitive ability, beliefs, learning style, and how they deal with (or prior experiences with?) communication failure during intervention.
What is the most knowledge method (also called the traditional, or developmental approach)
(McLeod and Bleile, 2004)
An approach to setting goals for children with SSD whereby sounds or phonological processes are selected as intervention goals because they are earlier developing, stimulable and (already) produced correctly in particular contextual environments (Bernthal and Bankson, 1998).
What is the least knowledge method (nontraditional, nondevelopmental approach)
(McLeod and Bleile, 2004)
An approach to setting goals for children with SSD whereby Treatment targets differ from the child’s existing abilities by multiple features’ (Elbert and Gierut, 1986). Sounds or processes are selected because they are nonstimulable, phonetically more complex, have phonologically marked properties, reflect least phonological knowledge as categorized by inventory constraints (with respect to phonemes) and are later acquired (Gierut et al., 1996).
ICF model specifies consideration of activities and participation in facilitating health and well-being. Some activities and participation are:
(McLeod and Bleile, 2004)
Speaking; conversation; learning and applying knowledge; interpersonal interactions and relationships; community, social and civic life.
The influence of an SSD on learning and applying knowledge is part of the consideration of ICF activities and participation. What implications does this have for goal setting?
(McLeod and Bleile, 2004)
Intervention targeting phonological awareness should accompany speech intervention (Gillon, 2000). Partnerships b/n teachers and SLPs essential for appropriate goal setting to facilitate oral and literate communicative skills.
How can SLPs consider participation within speaking and conversation by children with speech impairment, when planning for intervention?
(McLeod and Bleile, 2004)
Consider interpersonal interactions and relationships -social assessment practices may consist of a discussion with the child, his/her parents, siblings, friends, grandparents and other significant people to ascertain social goals and barriers, interests and hopes (Duchan, 2001a).
Consider community, social and civic life socially based intervention goals to facilitate activity and participation (e.g., Goal: public education to decrease background noise and encourage people to look at a person with hearing impairment while talking to them).
ICF allows for comparison between performance and capacity when considering activity and participation. How is this useful?
(McLeod and Bleile, 2004)
A child may be more capable within the confines of a standardized assessment than they demonstrate within the complex communicative demands of the classroom. OR a child may use compensatory strategies to minimize communicative difficulty, but the difficulty is evident on standardized assessment tasks. Mismatch between performance and capacity. –> needs to be considered when developing appropriate goals.
ICF Environmental factors: products and technology; support and relationships; attitudes; services, systems, and policies. How do these impact appropriate goal setting for a child with SSD?
(McLeod and Bleile, 2004)
- Barriers/facilitators avoided/ available to be utilised need to be considered in goal setting (e.g., parental support and relationships)
- Negative judgments about people with SSD goals directed at society may be needed.
- Products and technology e.g., future voice-activated technologies may be inaccessible.
This ICF Personal factor is important to consider when selecting speech goals for a child with SSD, and can be improved. Perhaps incorporated into goals?
(McLeod and Bleile, 2004)
The child’s personal ability to evaluate their speech / self-evaluation prior to feedback from the SLP.
Name 6 approaches to target selection for children with SSD.
McLeod & Baker, 2017. Ch 10
Traditional developmental Complexity Cycles Systemic (functional) Constraint-based nonlinear Neuro-network
Name 3 perspectives on identifying goals for children with SSD?
(McLeod & Baker, 2017. Ch 10)
Biopsychosocial (i.e., ICF-CY (WHO, 2007))
- Improving a child’s speech intelligibility
- Surgical repair of a cleft palate
- Developing a child’s emergent literacy skills to ameliorate future risk of literacy difficulties
- developing a child and communication partner’s competence to use AAC
- Increasing a child’s verbal interaction with peers at preschool/school
- Reducing immediate consequences of SSD such as bullying
*Equipping families with strategies for resolving communication breakdowns
*Increasing family members’ and relevant professionals’ knowledge about SSD to dispel false beliefs and myths
*Improving communication partners’ abilities to listen to a child with SSD so that the child’s messages are understood.
-> Goals are not limited to the child who has the SSD - they can include others in the child’s life.
(McLeod & Baker, 2017. Ch 10)
Some example of goals for a child with SSD, that address contextual factors:
(McLeod & Baker, 2017. Ch 10)
- Child’s school to develop and anti-bullying program to change the attitudes of peers.
- For the SLP to lobby relevant governing bodies about the need for SLP services in rural areas, so the child in question gets services.
Goals must be OPERATIONALLY DEFINED to be measurable. This means include the following (specified, so as to be measurable).
(McLeod & Baker, 2017. Ch 10)
- Behaviour or attitude to be learned (e.g., intelligible speech during conversation)
- Task used to measure skill/behaviour/attitude (e.g., conversational speech sample.)
- WHO will conduct the measurement?
- SETTING where the measurement will take place
- Criterion (e.g., with 90% accuracy from a conversational sample containing at least 100 different words
- Expected duration of intervention (e.g., within 12 months of regular weekly SLP intervention combined with daily home practice).
McLeod & Baker, 2017. Ch 10
Careful consideration of: Child’s Ax results (ALL ICF domains) + Research evidence + Child and family preferences
Goals related to BODY STRUCTURE for a child with SSD of known origin) are likely to be…
(McLeod & Baker, 2017. Ch 10)
Medical intervention (e.g., eliminate repeated episodes of glue ear - ENT to prescribe antibiotics, myringotomy, pressure equalisation tube…)
How to Ax a child’s relevant Contextual Factors (Environmental & Personal factors)?
(McLeod & Baker, 2017. Ch 10)
- Case Hx, intake form, interview with teacher, interview with siblings/friends…
How to Ax a child’s relevant Activities and Participation?
McLeod & Baker, 2017. Ch 10
- information gathered from child and their family during Ax (ie case Hx, SPAA-C)
3-level goal hierarchy (Klein & Moses, 1999)
McLeod & Baker, 2017. Ch 10
- Long-term goals (typically) summarise what needs to be achieved before discharge.
- Short-term goals specific skills/behaviour targeted, to achieve long-term goal.
- Session goals SHORT-TERM GOALS are transformed into SESSION GOALS (behaviours, skills, or knowledge taught through intervention procedures) within an activity during intervention sessions with an intervention agent
What do session goals typically specify? (8)
NOTE: Session goals vary from one session to the next, depending on a child’s progress
(McLeod & Baker, 2017. Ch 10)
- Child’s observable behaviour (e.g., production of multiple opposition treatment word sets including word-initial /d/ contrast with word-initial /k, ʃ, sl, tʃ/ at word level).
- Response mode (e.g., with a model for delayed imitation),
- Response level (e.g., at word level, phrase level),
- Teaching and learning procedure(s) (e.g., metaphor, auditory models of treatment words for delayed imitation),
- Dose (e.g., two treatment sets or approximately 40 trials),
- Criterion (e.g., 70% accuracy),
- Intervention agent (e.g., the clinician, computer), and
- Context (e.g., drill- or play-based activities in the clinic).