What is the wizard school for Light?
What is the casting time for Light?
1 action
What is the range for Light?
What is the area for Light?
20 ft. sphere bright light, 40 ft sphere dim light
What are the components for Light?
What is the duration of Light?
1 hour
Is there a saving throw associated with Light? If so, which?
DEX 14
When does the saving throw for Light apply?
If targeting unwilling creature or objects worn or held by it.
Describe the effect of Light.
Bright light up to 20 ft radius; dim light up to 40 ft. Can be any color.
What are the limitations of Light?
Can be blocked by opaque object.
What are the additional end conditions for Light?
If cast again or dismissed as an action.
What is the associated roll for Light?
How does Light work at higher levels?
What is the wizard school for Mage Hand?
What is the casting time for Mage Hand?
1 action
What is the range for Mage Hand?
What is the area for Mage Hand?
limited to 30
What are the components for Mage Hand?
What is the duration of Mage Hand?
1 minute
Is there a saving throw associated with Mage Hand? If so, which?
When does the saving throw for Mage Hand apply?
Describe the effect of Mage Hand.
Any point in range (not necessarily seen), can do ordinary hand things.
What are the limitations of Mage Hand?
Cannot activate magic items, attack, or carry more than 10 lbs. Cannot move further than 30 ft from caster nor move more than 30 ft total.
What are the additional end conditions for Mage Hand?
If hand moves out of range or moves distance greater than 30 ft.
What is the associated roll for Mage Hand?
How does Mage Hand work at higher levels?
What is the wizard school for Poison Spray?
What is the casting time for Poison Spray?
1 action
What is the range for Poison Spray?
What is the area for Poison Spray?
What are the components for Poison Spray?
What is the duration of Poison Spray?
Is there a saving throw associated with Poison Spray? If so, which?
CON 14
When does the saving throw for Poison Spray apply?
Always. No damage on success.
Describe the effect of Poison Spray.
What are the limitations of Poison Spray?
Affects single creature
What are the additional end conditions for Poison Spray?
What is the associated roll for Poison Spray?
1d12 poison damage
How does Poison Spray work at higher levels?
Add 1d12 at 5, 11, 17
What is the wizard school for Burning Hands?
What is the casting time for Burning Hands?
1 action
What is the range for Burning Hands?
What is the area for Burning Hands?
15 ft. cone
What are the components for Burning Hands?
What is the duration of Burning Hands?
Is there a saving throw associated with Burning Hands? If so, which?
DEX 14
When does the saving throw for Burning Hands apply?
Always. Half damage on success.
Describe the effect of Burning Hands.
Ignites flammable objects
What are the limitations of Burning Hands?
What are the additional end conditions for Burning Hands?
What is the associated roll for Burning Hands?
3d6 fire damage
How does Burning Hands work at higher levels?
Add 1d12 per slot higher than 1st.
What is the wizard school for Charm Person?
What is the casting time for Charm Person?
1 action
What is the range for Charm Person?
What is the area for Charm Person?
What are the components for Charm Person?
What is the duration of Charm Person?
1 hour
Is there a saving throw associated with Charm Person? If so, which?
WIS 14
When does the saving throw for Charm Person apply?
Always. Not charmed on success.
Describe the effect of Charm Person.
Humanoid regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When spell ends, creature knows it was charmed. Saving throw w/ advantage if fighting you or companions.
What are the limitations of Charm Person?
What are the additional end conditions for Charm Person?
If you or companions do anything harmful to it.
What is the associated roll for Charm Person?
How does Charm Person work at higher levels?
One additional creature per slot, creatures must be within 30 feet of each other
What is the wizard school for Feather Fall?
What is the casting time for Feather Fall?
1 reaction
What is the range for Feather Fall?
What is the area for Feather Fall?
What are the components for Feather Fall?
What is the duration of Feather Fall?
1 minute
Is there a saving throw associated with Feather Fall? If so, which?
When does the saving throw for Feather Fall apply?
Describe the effect of Feather Fall.
Up to 5 falling creatures within range descend at 60 ft/round.
What are the limitations of Feather Fall?
What are the additional end conditions for Feather Fall?
Ends for any creature if/when they land.
What is the associated roll for Feather Fall?
How does Feather Fall work at higher levels?
What is the wizard school for Magic Missile?
What is the casting time for Magic Missile?
1 action
What is the range for Magic Missile?
What is the area for Magic Missile?
What are the components for Magic Missile?
What is the duration of Magic Missile?
Is there a saving throw associated with Magic Missile? If so, which?
When does the saving throw for Magic Missile apply?
Describe the effect of Magic Missile.
Three darts can target up to 3 creatures you can see within range. They strike simultaneously.
What are the limitations of Magic Missile?
What are the additional end conditions for Magic Missile?
What is the associated roll for Magic Missile?
1d4+1 force damage per dart
How does Magic Missile work at higher levels?
1+ dart / level
What is the wizard school for Sleep?
What is the casting time for Sleep?
1 action
What is the range for Sleep?
What is the area for Sleep?
20-ft sphere
What are the components for Sleep?
What is the duration of Sleep?
1 minute
Is there a saving throw associated with Sleep? If so, which?
When does the saving throw for Sleep apply?
Describe the effect of Sleep.
Creatures within 20 feet of point go unconscious in ascending order of hitpoints until hitpoints used. The creature’s hitpoints must be equal to or less than the total number of hitpoints available.
What are the limitations of Sleep?
Does not affect undead or creatures immune to being charmed.
What are the additional end conditions for Sleep?
If creature is slapped/shaken awake or takes damage.
What is the associated roll for Sleep?
5d8 total hitpoints
How does Sleep work at higher levels?
Add 2d8 per level