Speeches (Mr Sawyer) Flashcards
When were Chief Joseph’s speech(s)?
When was Edward’s abdication speech?
When was Julia Gillard’s speech?
When was George Saunders graduation speech?
Register within the abdication speech.
High due to education and high status as King. Some prestige language.
Register within Chief Joseph
Relatively high, shifts in formality, lack of education / different formal American cultures, non-English valediction at end which affects formality.
Register within the graduation speech.
High due to higher education level and it being a formal occasion, regularly approaches informal register with lower words, likely to appeal to younger audience.
Register within Julia Gillard’s speech
High due to importance of role as prime minster, high education, drop in formal register ‘man’s bitch’ which is not ameliorated.
Structural features of Julia Gillard’s speech.
Paragraphed, regular argument and speech, cyclical ‘well this must not be tolerated’ keeping argument in sight, temporal discourse markers which are used for listing ‘and then’. Repetition to show passion, power and emotive side ‘I was offended’, ‘repulsive double standards’.
Structural features of George Saunders text.
Organised methodically into sections, anecdotes to failures of kindness to how to be kinder to reflection of success to future advice, cyclical structure as he keeps purpose in sight at end, many discourse markers to keep anecdotes and speech flowing. Short sentences to show regret and keep audience involved. Hypophora, ask a question and answer it.
Structure within the abdication speech.
Carefully structured to convey key messages in almost tabloid paragraphs, repetition of second person ‘you’ show personal connection to his people. Cyclical structure, key motifs of ‘new king’ and ‘burden’ appearing in early paragraphs and being repeated in end. Adjacency pairs to keep speech flowing.
Structure within Chief Joseph’s speech.
Transcript of spoken text, cyclical structure ‘I was granted permission’ to ‘spoken for his people’, past present to future structure as ‘the Indian is waiting’.
Semantics in the abdication speech
Constitutional, monarchy, political, emotional, love, patriotism.
Chief Joseph semantics
Deception, political, freedom, emotion, equality.
George Saunders semantics
Education, life, future, emotive language about kindness, personal pronouns.