Speech production Flashcards
3 sources of speech production
All three have wideband spectrum:
- Voicing: vibration of the vocal folds, same type of aerodynamic mechanism as a flag flapping in the wind.
- Frication or Aspiration: turbulence created when air passes through a narrow aperture
- Burst: the “pop” that occurs when high air pressure is suddenly released
3 steps to produce speech
- initiation
- phonation
- articulation
vocal folds aka cords
two bands of smooth muscle tissue found in the larynx (voice box).
vocal tract
air cavity between glottis and lips
source-filter model of the vocal tract
source-filter model of the vocal tract (with details)
formula for speech signal (through convolution of excitation signal and transfer function)
The speech signal s(t), is created by convolving (∗) an excitation
signal e(t) through a vocal tract transfer function h(t):
s(t) = e(t) * h(t)
Fourier transform through excitation product times transfer function
The Fourier transform of speech is the product of excitation
times transfer function:
S(f) = H(f)E(f)
vocal tract resonances
what happens at resonant frequencies?
At the resonant frequencies, the resonance enhances the energy of
the excitation, so the transfer function H(f) is large at those
frequencies, and small at other frequencies
air stream (vowels)
unblocked air stream
air stream (consonants)
blocked / obstructed air stream
vowels scheme
vowel classification: tongue height
Tongue height:
– Low: e.g., /a/
– Mid: e.g., /e/
– High: e.g., /i/
vowel classification: tongue advancement
Tongue advancement:
– Front : e.g., /i/
– Central : e.g., /ə/
– Back : e.g., /u/