Speech and Aphasia - Filley Flashcards
Aphasia is an acquired disorder of language resulting from damage to brain areas involving linguistic capacity.
impaired recent memory, with deficient new learning
Acquired disorder of reading (vs dyslexia which is difficulty reading despite adequate resources)
Impaired writing (Often goes with aphasia.)
Disorder of speech due to motor system involvement
Disorder of voice due to laryngeal disease
Loss of speech due to motor system involvement
Loss of voice due to laryngeal disease
Severe aphasia, or anarthria, aphonia
Acquired disorder of learned movement
impaired recognition in the visual, auditory, or tactile modality
failure to attend to one side (usually the left) of the body or extrapersonal space
Multiple coexisting neurobehavioral deficits (e.g. amnesia, aphasia, personality change)
Broca’s (Location, spontaneous speech, auditory comprehension, repetition, naming)
Location: Frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere. (Broadmann areas 44 and 45) Spontaneous speech: nonfluent Auditory comprehension: good Repetition: poor Naming: poor
Wernicke’s (Location, spontaneous speech, auditory comprehension, repetition, naming)
Location: Superior temporal gyrus of the dominant hemisphere (Broadmann area 22) Spontaneous speech: Fluent Auditory comprehension: Poor Repetition: Poor Naming: Poor
Conduction (Location, spontaneous speech, auditory comprehension, repetition, naming)
Location: Arcuate fasciculus Spontaneous speech: Fluent Auditory comprehension: Good Repetition: Poor Naming: Poor
Global (Location, spontaneous speech, auditory comprehension, repetition, naming)
Location: Perisylvian region Spontaneous speech: nonfluent Auditory comprehension: poor Repetition: poor Naming: poor
What percent of R/L handed people are left dominant for language? Ambidextrous people?
Most right handed people are left dominant for language (99%). 67% of left-handed people are also left dominant for language. Ambidextrous people may have mixed language dominance.
How can you test a patient’s auditory comprehension?
Point at a series of objects (Point at the desk, then the floor, then the ceiling, then the wall).
What clinical phrase is commonly used to check repetition?
“No ifs, ands, or buts”
Can deaf people become aphasic?
yep. language is still in the LH, most likely.
What are the right hemisphere contributions to speech?
Musical aspects of speech, metaphor, angry speech, humor. Recovery of speech after event is also based in the right hemisphere.
Name functions of the frontal lobe.
Voluntary movement Language production (left) Motor prosody (right) Comportment Executive function Motivation
Name functions of the temporal lobe.
Audition Language comprehension (left) Sensory prosody (right) Memory Emotion
Name functions of the left parietal lobe.
Reading, writing, arithmetic
Name functions of the right parietal lobe.
Attention, visuospacial (hemineglect)
What is motor aprosody?
Inability to inflect speech with emotion. Right inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s area homolog).
What is sensory aprosody?
Counterpart to Wernicke’s aphasia. People can’t detect the affect (anger, sadness, etc). People can’t distinguish the inflections of speech. “my husband isn’t the same anymore, he doesn’t understand me”
What type of frontal lobe lesion leads to leads to disinhibition, severe misbehavior. Rude, break the law, gamble.
What neurologic condition did Fyodor Dostoyevsky likely have?
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE).
Changes the interictal state – the brain in between seizures. Deepened emotionality is often seen, prominently. This is due to rewiring the temoporolimbic circuitry. People can take hours to describe their thoughts, feelings, etc.
Why is hemineglect generally only seen on the L side?
The right hemisphere has the capacity to attend to both sides of space, whereas the left can only attend to the contralateral space
Thus a right parietal lesion will only permit surveillance of the right hemispace.
Fancy term for face blindness?
What type of frontal lobe lesion leads to executive dysfunction. Plan, organize, problem-solving all fail.
What type of frontal lobe lesion leads to executive dysfunction. Plan, organize, problem-solving all fail.
What type of frontal lobe lesion leads to Apathy. you just stop doing things. Severe forms can even result in absent movement and speech.
Medial frontal cortices