Speech Flashcards
di·gress dīˈɡres/ verb leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing. “I have digressed a little from my original plan” synonyms: deviate, go off on a tangent, get off the subject, get sidetracked, lose the thread, turn aside/away, depart, drift, stray, wander “I have digressed from the original plan”
Adj. real or genuine : not copied or false
freedom to choose how to act or what to do
an·o·nym·i·ty ˌanəˈnimədē/ noun the condition of being anonymous. “most people who agreed to talk requested anonymity” lack of outstanding, individual, or unusual features; impersonality. “the anonymity of big city life definitely has its advantages”
personality conflict
not friends
quadratic formula
is the capacity to produce an effect.
Cavalieri’s Principle
If, in two solids of equal altitude, the sections made by planes parallel to and at the same distance from their respective bases are always equal, then the volumes of the two solids are equal (Kern and Bland 1948, p. 26).
Formative Assessment
Formative assessment including diagnostic testing is a range of formal and informal assessment procedures employed by teachers during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment.[1] It typically involves qualitative feedback (rather than scores) for both student and teacher that focuses on the details of content and performance.[2] It is commonly contrasted with summative assessment, which seeks to monitor educational outcomes, often for purposes of external accountability
Summative Assessment
refers to the assessment of participants, and summarizes their development at a particular time. In contrast to formative assessment, the focus is on the outcome of a program. Summative assessment is characterized as assessment of learning and is contrasted with formative assessment, which is assessment for learning. This is taught in many educational programs in the United States.[citation needed] Scriven claims that while all assessment techniques can be summative, only some are formative.
Fully informed; conscious. See Synonyms at aware
Blooms Taxonomy
mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned.
“a poem learned by rote in childhood”
synonyms: mechanically, automatically, unthinkingly, mindlessly;
verb \ˈtau̇t, in sense 4 also ˈtüt\
: to talk about (something or someone) as being very good, effective, skillful, etc.
: to try to persuade people to buy your goods or services
: to buy tickets for an event and resell them at a much higher price
Hinduism. a word or formula, as from the Veda,chanted or sung as an incantation or prayer.
an often repeated word, formula, or phrase, oftena truism:
If I hear the “less is more” mantra one moretime, I’ll scream.