Where does colour of compounds come from
Excitation of an electron to an excited state from a ground state is when this light is absorbed. Colour/light released when electron comes back to ground state
What is the beer lambert equation
A = ecl
A = absorbance e = molar absorption coefficient (M-1 cm-1) c= concentration (M) l = path length (cm)
What is the spin rule
Transitions are allowed when the spin does not change. Spin of whole complex if more than one electron is moving
What is the Laporte rule
In a centrosymmetric molecule, the only allowed transitions are those accomplished by a change in parity.
Transitions are allowed between different orbitals (d to p) and forbidden when in the same orbital (d to d) in a centrosymmetric complex (octahedral)
Can be relaxed due to JT distortion etc.
Outline the characteristics of an octahedral UV-VIS
d-d transitions: weak laporte forbidden (e <1000)
charge transfer: strong, spin and laporte allow (1000< e <10000)
intraligand transitions (pi to pi*): very strong, spin and laporte allowes (e > 5000)
Outline the characteristics of a tetrahedral UV-VIS
Much higher intensities than octahedral due to laporte acceptance (e = 50-800 compared to e = 0.1-100)
lambda values at longer wavelengths due to smaller delta tet splitting than delta oct
What are the differences between octahedral and tetrahedral UV-VIS
Less intensity of d-d transitions in octahedral due to Laporte
CFSE is large of oct giving a smaller wavelength
For what complexes to 3 band systems typically occur
Weak field d2, 3, 7, 8.