specimen collection - tubes/order of draw Flashcards
Order of draw
- Blood cultures
- Blue
- Red
- Yellow
- Green
- Dark green
- Lavender
- Grey
Blood culture*
Whole blood
Used in microbiology
Additive - SPS/culture media
Light blue top*
Used in coagulation testing
Additive - sodium citrate
Blood:additive 9:1 important
Red top*
Used in chemistry/blood bank
No additive
Yellow top*
(from powerpoint)
Whole blood
Used in microbiology, HLA studies
Additives - SPS, ACD
(sodium polyethanol sulfonate/ acid citrate dextrose)
Light green top*
Plasma (separator tube) PST
Used in routine chemistry
Additive - (lithium) heparin, polymer gel
Dark green top*
Used in chemistry
Additive - heparin (lithium or sodium)
Lavender top*
Plasma (whole blood)
Used in hematology (CBC)
Additive - EDTA
Grey top*
Plasma or serum
Used in chemistry
Additive - sodium fluoride
White top
Plasma (preparation tube) PPT
Used in molecular diagnostics
Additive - polymer gel/EDTA
Orange top
Used in STAT chemistry
Additives - thrombin/polymer gel
Royal blue top
Plasma or serum
Used in toxicology
Additives - EDTA or clot activator
Pink top
Plasma (whole blood)
Used in blood bank
Additives - EDTA
more specific than lavender
Gold top
AKA yellow top from PDF
Serum Separator tube
Used in chemistry, toxicology, serology
Polymer gel